2 2 4 D O C U M E N T 1 2 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 5 Weyl suffered from severe asthma attacks that forced him to take frequent sick leave. In late 1920, Zangger had arranged for him to take an extended leave (see Heinrich Zangger to Einstein, between 24 December 1920 and early January 1921 [Vol.12, Doc.2], and Frei and Stammbach 1992, pp.50–51). [8]Gustav Huguenin (1840–1920) had been Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Zurich, director of the Medical Clinic in the Cantonal Hospital of Zurich, and former director of the Burg- hölzli psychiatric hospital. Einstein had known him since at least early 1914. Huguenin had been very concerned with Weyl’s health prior to his death (see Einstein to Heinrich Zangger, ca. 20 January 1914 [Vol. 5, Doc. 507], and Heinrich Zangger to Einstein, before 8 December 1920 [Vol. 10, Doc. 222]). [9]For an earlier indication of Einstein’s high regard for Huguenin, see Heinrich Zangger to Ein- stein, before 8 December 1920 (Vol. 10, Doc. 222). [10]Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900). Franz Overbeck (1837–1905) was a German Protestant theo- logian and friend of Nietzsche’s. In 1877, concerned about Nietzsche’s fragile health, Overbeck rec- ommended that Nietzsche consult with a “competent clinician” (“tüchtigen Kliniker”) and specifically recommended Huguenin as a “competent man” (“tüchtigen Mann”). Huguenin was direc- tor of the Medical Clinic in the Cantonal Hospital of Zurich at the time (see Franz Overbeck to Fried- rich Nietzsche, 8 June 1877, in Oehler and Bernoulli 1916, p, 60, and Zangger and Schulthess 1920, p. 32). [11]Eduard Einstein.