7 6 D O C U M E N T 2 6 J U L Y 1 9 2 5 ALSX. [75 640]. [1]Dated by the date of Eduard Einstein’s poem on the second and third pages of the letter, [75 640.1]. [2]Eduard Einstein. Einstein had invited Mileva and Eduard to visit Berlin and proposed they stay in his apartment. Mileva had informed Einstein that Eduard would travel to Berlin alone (see Docs. 7, 8, and 11). [3]To attend the sixth session of the ICIC, to be held 27–30 July. [4]Hans Albert Einstein. [5]To stay at the Kiel residence of Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe. 26. To Giovanni Giorgi[1] [Berlin,] 17. VII. 25. Caro signor Collega! Anch’io sono dell’opinione, ché un movimento di un etere con un tanto grande è practicamente inadmissibile.[2] Dio a creato il mondo con più eleganza ed intelligenza. Lei a ragione di con- frontare con questi experimenti di Miller i fatti dell’aberrazione. La theoria di Stokes-Planck e molto artificiale e secondo mia opinione non può spiegare la legge di aberrazione.[3] Sarei molto curioso di conoscere la vera causa del phenomeno di Miller. Non dubito della validità della theoria di relatività. Suo A. Einstein. [Berlin,] 17 July 1925 Dear Colleague, I am also of the opinion that a motion of an ether with such a large is practically inadmissible.[2] God created the world with more elegance and intelligence. You are right to confront these ex- periments by Miller with the facts of aberration. The Stokes-Planck theory is very artificial and in my opinion cannot explain the law of aberration.[3] I would be very curious to know the real cause of Miller’s phenomenon. I don’t doubt the validity of the theory of relativity. Your A. Einstein AKS. [124 351]. The postcard is addressed “Prof. Ing. Giovanni Giorgi, Corso V. Em. 39, Roma (Ita- lia)” and postmarked “Ber[lin] 18.7.25 3–4N[achmittags]” with a secondary postmark “Roma Centro 23–24 20.VII 1925.” z u ∂z ∂u z u ∂z ∂u