6 0 D O C U M E N T 4 3 A U G U S T 1 9 2 5 news. Is she now in Tarasp with her husband and Margot[3] and how is the recovery progressing? How did she tolerate the long trip? Then, I’m quite especially looking forward to Margot coming.[4] She should come as early as possible in September so she can enjoy the grape harvest with us. And Albert, will you come with her? and when will you finally translate your “semi-eagerness” into actions? I don’t have to repeat to you for the nth time what a joy it would be for me if you finally came. And I believe that you wouldn’t be at all dissatisfied here. I was also very happy about the gigantic egg that you laid what’s that about?[5] Hopefully, dear Else, your little trip turned out to your satisfaction. Did you find the old, dear Hechingen that you imagined?[6] Who’s still there now? I must also thank you very, very much for the photographs that you had made for me. I enjoyed them boundlessly & continue to do so. That was a very, very kind thought on your part. But do not give any thought to our water pipes & electric lighting. You must not consider giving us that as well. You have truly done enough.[7] We now also have boarders, i.e., currently only one very fine dear young man, a painter, son of a friend, very musical & a splendid fellow.[8] Pauli[9] also gets along very well with him. Up until 2 weeks ago, a female painter from Berlin was also here, Mrs. von Kessel.[10] From an old aristocratic family, but, thank goodness! quite atypical of the breed. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to feel at home here with us. So, I’m always earning a little money & can make further necessary purchases. It is also not advisable to put money in the bank here now, since it constantly loses buying power.[11] So, I’m replenishing my supply of linens, which is very much needed. As time goes by, I will also be able to make the bigger purchases. The fact that you are able to help out uncle and aunt and your parents gives me great joy. They have done so much for our parents![12] Albert must feel great satisfaction that he is able to pay off in this way a part of the debts handed down. I would really also like to help. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to do so. How are they doing healthwise? It is rare good fortune that the two of them can experience old age together. I would really like to see them again. The older I get, the more I remember the family with feelings of connectedness. I would also like to make contact with Albert’s[13] boys. I hardly know the younger one at all. But I don’t know how I should approach this with their mother![14] Farewell to you both for now. Please, please don’t always leave me without news for such a long time & think all the more kindly of me, since you can tell yourselves that I am able, as a result of your help, to lead a life that suits me. Much, much love to all of you from your Maja
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