5 7 0 I N D E X
invites AE to US, 104
on institute of microbiology for Hebrew Uni-
versity, 105n
raises money for Hebrew University, 445c
American Jewish Physicians Foundation, 183n
American Philosophical Society, xl
American Physical Society, xl, 444c
American Relief Administration, 283n
Ampère’s molecular currents, Classen on, 87,
96, 431c
Amsterdam Academy. See Royal Dutch Acade-
my of Sciences
Anna (domestic helper), 195n, 196, 258, 263;
dismissal of, 268
Ansbacher, Luigi (1878–1956), 469c
Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), xli,
138, 141, 230, 236, 241n, 281, 284, 291, 309,
337, 382–383, 489a, 503a
AE inquires whether he can visit with his sons,
charitable foundation of, 211
on geomagnetic experiment, 285, 341, 383
on gyrocompass, 133–134, 232, 285, 341, 383
on handing over his factory to Hans Albert Ein-
stein, 263
invites AE and sons, 286
invites AE to Kiel, 232
needs assistance of Hans Albert Einstein, 383
on purchase of Schloss Lautrach for University
of Munich, 383
regrets that AE will not visit Munich, 340
Anschütz-Kaempfe-Stöve, Reta (1897–1961),
231n, 233, 309, 489a
Anthroposophical Society, 393n
Anti-relativists, Berliner on, 51–52
AE receives hate letter, xlii
among German students, 291n
among Ivy League universities, 174n
at University of Munich, 290
Anuschat, Mrs., taken in by Elsa Einstein, 328–
Appeal against confiscation of Aachen high
school by Belgian military authorities
AE asks Hauptmann to sign, 395
AE signs, 395
Von Kármán on, 377–378, 395
Appeal to Astronomical Society, AE co-signs,
Apriorism, of Kant, 212
Arbeiterfürsorge-Amt der jüdischen Organisa-
tionen Deutschlands, Berlin; asks AE to raise
funds in US, 437c
Archbishop of Canterbury, xliv
Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940), 309
Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927)
on meeting with AE in Berlin, 324
reads AE’s papers, 323
visits Berlin physicists, 229
Association for the Promotion of Mathematical
and Scientific Education, invites AE to lec-
ture, 479c, 482c
Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam, liv, 262,
437c, 438c, 439c
AE member of board of, 465c, 466c
candidates for new positions in, AE on, 266,
279, 292, 386
proposal for directorship of, 147–148
Atlas Works, legal dispute with Signal Co., AE’s
opinion on, 482c
Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Schweizerische, divi-
dends from, 346
Auerbach, Felix (1856–1933), 244
Ausländer, Fritz, 252n
Auslandskomitee zur Organisierung der Arbei-
terhilfe für die Hungernden in Russland, AE
on political nature of, xlvi, 277
Auslandskomitee zur Organisierung der Arbei-
terhilfe für Sowjetrußland, 252, 282
Austrian Academy of Sciences, 118
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 318
Bach, Rudolf. See Förster, Rudolf
Bachem, Albert (1888–1957), 183, 326
Bachmann, J., requests melting furnace, 484c
Back, Ernst, 142, 322n
Bäckerei Niemann, 230
Bad Nauheim, meeting of GDNÄ in. See Gesell-
schaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte:
meeting in Bad Nauheim
Baeyer, Otto von, requests KWIP funds for de-
termination of elementary electric charge,
granted, 425c
Bailby, Leon (1867–1954), 146
Balfour Declaration, 283n
Bamberger, Curt, proposes perpetuum mobile of
second kind, 467c, 468c
Bantock, Granville, invites AE to lecture at Uni-
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