I N D E X 5 7 1
versity of Birmingham, 463c, 470c
Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935), 239n, 352
solicits article from AE for Clarté, 353, 372
on nonpolitical character of Clarté movement,
Barnum of Science, AE branded as, lviii
Barker, Ernest (1874–1960), 161, 171, 429c,
445c, 457c
AE dines with, 457c
invites AE to lecture at King’s College, Lon-
don, 439c, 440c, 448c
requests AE’s writings for King’s College,
474c, 475c
Barthel, Max (1893–1975), 277, 283n, 469c
Baskerville, Charles, 446c
Bavaria, soviet republic of, 547a
Beaulieu, Montague of, 429c
Beck, Carl (1864–1952), xxxvi, 65, 66, 98, 158,
159, 162, 200, 205, 519a
as adviser for AE US lecture tour, 64–65
meets with AE, 448c
Beck, Emil (1881–1965), 130; on molecular cur-
rents, 87
Becker, Carl, xlvii, 475c, 478c
Benedicks, Carl (1875–1958), 395
Benedigkt, Clothilde, 424c
Ben-Gurion, David, 284n
Bennett, P. R., 314
Bentheim, Count zu, 474c, 478c
Benzingen, 155
Berger, Alfred, asks AE’s help to find electric
oven, 478c
Berger, Joseph (1884–1962), 384
Bergmann, Hugo (1883–1975), 286
AE on, 13
AE on postwar conditions in, 32
AE rooted in, 300
Ehrenfest visits, 190
Jewish Community, xxxiv
Neue Synagoge at Oranienburger Straße, 113n
Berliner Tageblatt, AE asks for right to final
word on interview in Nieuwe Rotterdamsche
Courant, 223–224
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), xxxix, liv, 41, 50,
137, 437c
on anti-relativists, 51–52
on bibliography on relativity, 51–52
mediates between AE and Freundlich on manu-
script dispute, 391
on merging German physics journals, 41
on Moszkowski’s book on AE, 51–52
on publication of Einstein 1921c, 50
on report in Physikalische Zeitschrift on dis-
cussion at Bad Nauheim meeting, 41
Berliner, Emile, 170n; meets with AE, 446c
Bern, students consider inviting AE to, 393
Bernhard, Georg (1875–1944), 216n; sends jour-
nalist for interview, 215–216
Berthoud, Alfred, on mass increase of electron in
electric field, 480c
Besso, Marco (1843–1920), 393n
Besso, Michele (1873–1955), 5, 107, 182, 188,
AE looks forward to meeting in Switzerland,
AE meets in Zurich, 344
on courage of Jews, 188
depressed, 357
has lost AE’s publications, 392
on headquarters of Swiss Patent Office, 188
on high prices in Switzerland, 188
interested in Hebrew University, 188
on press hyenas, 242
on publication of AE’s collected papers, 392–
on strained relations between AE and Hans Al-
bert Einstein, 5–6
Besso, Vero (1898–1962), 183n, 242
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 183
Beta-radiation scattering, Meitner on, 233–234
Bianchi, Luigi, 463c
Bishkovitch,?, proposes that AE be invited to
settle in Palestine, 426c
Bjerrum, Niels (1879–1958), 396
Black-body radiation, fluctuations in, 350
Black hole, l; event horizon of, 370n
Blaine, Anita (1866–1954), née McCormick,
lviii, 513a
Bleuler, Eugen (1857–1939), 356
Bloch, Werner (1890–1973), 245
proposed for financial help by AE, 245
requests recommendation from AE, 467c
Bloomfield, Fannie (1863–1927), 318
Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), xxix, 89n, 101n,
109n, 127n, 129n, 133, 181n, 283n, 437c,
Blüthner-Saal, Berlin, AE addresses Zionist rally
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