l x v i A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S
We are particularly indebted to Shady Peyvan, Judy Nollar, and the rest of the
dedicated staff of the Millikan Library and the Institute Archives at Caltech who
have tracked down hard-to-find sources and information. Rosy Meiron and Jenny
Nollar, also of Caltech, have assisted in proofreading
Much historical information and detail were needed in the research and produc-
tion of this volume. The assistance of the following persons is gratefully acknowl-
edged: Lawrence Aspden, Curator of Special Collections and Library Archives,
University of Sheffield; Jonathan Bant, Amsterdam; Thomas Becker, Archives of
the University of Bonn; Bruno P. Besser, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz;
Michel L. Brodsky, Braine le Chateau, Belgium; Jacquelin Cox, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, Cambridge; Bruno Deiss, Physical Society of Frankfurt am Main;
Jeroen van Dongen, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin; Esther
Dreifuss-Kattan, Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute; Michael Eckert,
Deutsches Museum, Munich; Jean Eisenstaedt, CNRS, Paris; Peter Fleer, Swiss
Federal Archives, Bern; Philippe Frei, State Archives of the Canton of Zurich;
Robert Marc Friedman, University of Oslo; Margot Fuchs, Historical Archives,
Technical University of Munich; Kostas Gavroglu and Maria Georgiadu, Technical
University of Athens; Angela Hartwig, Archives of the University of Rostock;
Volker Häselbarth, German Physical Society, Berlin; Klaus Hentschel, University
of Bern; Christian Huber, Swiss Social Archives, Zurich; Bruno Jech, Université
de la Rochelle; Charlie Johnston, Flint, MI; Karl S. Kabelac, Rochester, New York;
Anita Kerkmann, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin; Tomer Koren,
The Jewish National & University Library, Jerusalem; Helge Kragh and Anita
Kildebaek Nielsen, University of Aarhus; Andreas Kleinert, Martin-Luther-
Universität, Halle-Wittenberg; Wolfgang Knobloch, Archives of the Berlin-
Brandenburg Academy of Sciences; Adelheid König and Friedrich Stadler, Vienna
Circle Archives, Vienna; Christoph Lehner, Max Planck Institute for the History of
Science, Berlin; John H. Lienhard, University of Houston; Martin Maw, Oxford
University Press, Oxford; Karl von Meyenn, Wolfgang Pauli Papers, University of
Ulm; Manfred Müller, City Library of Osnabrück; Bärbel Mund, Niedersächsische
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen; Christine Nelson, Pierpont Morgan
Library, New York City; Mary Jo Nye, Oregon State University, Corvallis; Sara
Palmor, Jerusalem; Elisa Piccio and Michele Vallisneri, California Institute of
Technology; Felicity Pors, Niels Bohr Archives, Copenhagen; Andrew Prescott,
University of Sheffield; Wolfgang L. Reiter, University of Vienna; David Rowe,
University of Mainz; Yukiko Sakabe, Archives of the Austrian Academy of Sci-
ences, Vienna; Hans-Georg Schöpf, Technical University of Dresden; Birgit
Schaper, University of Bonn Library; Annetraut Schultze, Institute of Theoretical