1 9 8 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 5 , 1 9 6 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 4
We hope that the joyous inauguration of the first institutes will be able to take place
next summer or fall; and we hope very much that you will attend this ceremony in
In expression of my utmost respect,
M. D. Eder
195. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] 11 January 1924
Dearest Betty,
Yesterday Uncle Hans and Aunt told me that you are now divorced
will be breathing a sigh of relief, and I’m doing so with you. You plunged into that
like a frog into water. Dear Betty, rely on Uncle Hans and Aunt Minna, who really
do love you. They will certainly guide you onto the right path. Oh Betty, if I weren’t
wedged in, as I am, then they wouldn’t have to look long! I would be happy if I
knew you were somewhere nearby and I were sometimes allowed to see your dear
smile. But fate is also merciless toward the much-envied, such as I am! Because I’m
not allowed to run after you, I am always hoping to meet you by chance, but that
happens so rarely, and then it’s not even by chance. Dear Betty, laugh at me, the old
donkey, and look for a husband who is ten years younger than I and who loves you
as much as I do, but do accept a kiss from your
A. Einstein.
196. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] Monday [14 January 1924]
Dear Betty,
Forgive me for having said “Du” so familiarly to you in front of those people.
But I perceive it as too great a falsehood with my way of feeling if I speak with you
as with a stranger. I hope this did not cause you any difficulties. Uncle
certainly understand. Telephone me once in the morning around 9, when my com-
pany is still lying in bed, about this and other diplomatic issues; I’m also yearning
so much for your dear voice. I think I teased you a little too roughly with the others
about the concluded
But everyone meant to be kind-hearted with you.
And how charmingly and honestly you spoke about your matters; I would have
liked to have given you a kiss, but that far my courage would not have gone! We
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

1 9 8 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 5 , 1 9 6 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 4
We hope that the joyous inauguration of the first institutes will be able to take place
next summer or fall; and we hope very much that you will attend this ceremony in
In expression of my utmost respect,
M. D. Eder
195. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] 11 January 1924
Dearest Betty,
Yesterday Uncle Hans and Aunt told me that you are now divorced
will be breathing a sigh of relief, and I’m doing so with you. You plunged into that
like a frog into water. Dear Betty, rely on Uncle Hans and Aunt Minna, who really
do love you. They will certainly guide you onto the right path. Oh Betty, if I weren’t
wedged in, as I am, then they wouldn’t have to look long! I would be happy if I
knew you were somewhere nearby and I were sometimes allowed to see your dear
smile. But fate is also merciless toward the much-envied, such as I am! Because I’m
not allowed to run after you, I am always hoping to meet you by chance, but that
happens so rarely, and then it’s not even by chance. Dear Betty, laugh at me, the old
donkey, and look for a husband who is ten years younger than I and who loves you
as much as I do, but do accept a kiss from your
A. Einstein.
196. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] Monday [14 January 1924]
Dear Betty,
Forgive me for having said “Du” so familiarly to you in front of those people.
But I perceive it as too great a falsehood with my way of feeling if I speak with you
as with a stranger. I hope this did not cause you any difficulties. Uncle
certainly understand. Telephone me once in the morning around 9, when my com-
pany is still lying in bed, about this and other diplomatic issues; I’m also yearning
so much for your dear voice. I think I teased you a little too roughly with the others
about the concluded
But everyone meant to be kind-hearted with you.
And how charmingly and honestly you spoke about your matters; I would have
liked to have given you a kiss, but that far my courage would not have gone! We

