3 8 8 D O C U M E N T 3 9 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4
unencumbered possession of this property possible for me, that is, for us, through
a large gift and has obliged me to the greatest
Quinto at Sesto-Fiorentino, the 5th of December 1924.
In gratitude,
Paul Winteler, son of
from Filzbach, Can[ton] of Glarus.
Declaration of Honor
I hereby likewise give a declaration of honor to my brother Albert Einstein, as
has been set forth on the verso by my husband Paul Winteler, and consider myself
bound to strict adherence insofar as I am or shall be made authorized to dispose of
these properties.
Quinto at Sesto-Fiorentino the 5th of December 1924.
In gratitude:
Maja Winteler née
392. To Jehuda Wilensky[1]
Berlin, 9 December 1924
Esteemed Dr. Wilensky,
The awakening of Jewish solidarity under the impact of the great mission of
settling Palestine belongs to the best that we as Jews have been allowed to witness
in centuries. It is a delight to see that great segments of the Jewish people are
devoting themselves to this noble task with enthusiasm and energy and have
thereby demonstrated that an unbroken will to live on and to return to a natural way
of life has remained alive in us.
It is especially important to gain and consolidate the active participation of Jews
in countries where large proportions of our people are living under difficult
physical conditions. Here community spirit must give consolation and provide
energy, so that the great reserves of dormant manpower be preserved for our
community and made productive for it. I wish from my heart success for your
efforts in Rumania.