D O C U M E N T S 2 2 4 , 2 2 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 4 2 2 1
224. From Maja Winteler-Einstein
[Colonnata, 12 March
Dear Albert,
This time I come to you very fittingly with a few of our spring flowers to con-
gratulate you on your
My dear little brother, first take a kiss, and then
all the good wishes I have for you; you won’t do badly if they all get fulfilled! But
finally, I add the modest, selfish little wish that during this new year of your life
you would think of me a little more and also perhaps write me, highly personally,
in your own hand.
I’m so overjoyed, you know, that you want to come and see us in
please, this time leave us a little more of your time so that the parting doesn’t have
to happen again before we even warmed up. We haven’t spoken to each other for
so long and you write me so rarely that you yourself actually ought to feel the need
to stay a little with me. You can’t get a picture of our life and our magnificent lo-
cation otherwise. You’ll do me that favor, right?
At present Guste Hochberger is visiting with us. We’re ¢very² happy together. As
you can imagine, we’re talking ¢so² a lot about Mama. She is such a splendid per-
son, mentally so alert. You should see how she enjoys the beauties of Florence.
With so much natural taste and such lively sensitivity! I’ve guided quite a few
young artists around before, but none enjoyed it as intensely as she.
One more fond birthday kiss from your
225. From Fritz Haber
Dahlem, Berlin, 8 Faraday Way, [ca. 14 March
Dear Einstein,
My bodily constitution is in bad shape again and I do not go out. Otherwise I
would look you up and not bother you by letter.
Two incidents have been occupying us since my return from South
each of which generates its own afterword. Your divorced wife wrote to me again,
thoroughly describing her good intentions, and recognizing that she is not always
emotionally equal to the
She evidently frequently suffers badly from
this, does not dare to write to you, and surely has something of that fear of you in
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