D O C U M E N T 4 5 9 M A R C H 1 9 2 5 4 5 9
ately send after me the exposition on Argentina from my gray coat, lower side
pocket, that an Argentine (Gabiola) gave me in
I’ll need it in Buenos [Ai-
The ship is very large and rocks little. But strangely enough I feel it more strong-
ly than on the earlier voyages. I’m going to leave the letter from Mühsam with the
cash sealed until my return, provided I don’t need any of the money; thus he must
comply with my wish to leave me in
His conduct toward me proves that
he knows me very poorly.
The food on the ship is very hygienic, and I am extremely careful, because I am
very well aware of the riskiness of my mission. Fine though the sea passage is, I do
still consider it foolish of me to have let myself be drawn into this undertaking, with
my predisposition. For over there I have the choice between much pestering and ag-
itation because of annoyance and disappointment. I peruse the Spanish booklet lit-
tle; my stomach rebels against that twaddle in fourth edition, which I already know
in three editions.
I just devoured pineapple in honor of poor little Margot. What a shame that she
couldn’t order it herself. I hope she is feeling better again.
Warm regards to both of you, the grandparents, and
from your
458. Calculations
[Buenos Aires, 11 March–15 May
[Not selected for translation.]
459. To Flora Neumann-Mühsam
[Lisbon, 11 March
Dear and esteemed Mrs. Neumann,
It is very sweet and kind of you to write me such a good-hearted and sincere let-
ter after those odd-looking events in the
And I am in such a peculiar sit-
uation that I cannot talk about it as frankly as I would have liked, since that is im-
possible out of consideration for all those involved. But I can assure you that it was
hard for me to act the way I did, not only toward your daughter but also toward the
Just this much I can say: that circumstances which did not depend on
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 4 5 9 M A R C H 1 9 2 5 4 5 9
ately send after me the exposition on Argentina from my gray coat, lower side
pocket, that an Argentine (Gabiola) gave me in
I’ll need it in Buenos [Ai-
The ship is very large and rocks little. But strangely enough I feel it more strong-
ly than on the earlier voyages. I’m going to leave the letter from Mühsam with the
cash sealed until my return, provided I don’t need any of the money; thus he must
comply with my wish to leave me in
His conduct toward me proves that
he knows me very poorly.
The food on the ship is very hygienic, and I am extremely careful, because I am
very well aware of the riskiness of my mission. Fine though the sea passage is, I do
still consider it foolish of me to have let myself be drawn into this undertaking, with
my predisposition. For over there I have the choice between much pestering and ag-
itation because of annoyance and disappointment. I peruse the Spanish booklet lit-
tle; my stomach rebels against that twaddle in fourth edition, which I already know
in three editions.
I just devoured pineapple in honor of poor little Margot. What a shame that she
couldn’t order it herself. I hope she is feeling better again.
Warm regards to both of you, the grandparents, and
from your
458. Calculations
[Buenos Aires, 11 March–15 May
[Not selected for translation.]
459. To Flora Neumann-Mühsam
[Lisbon, 11 March
Dear and esteemed Mrs. Neumann,
It is very sweet and kind of you to write me such a good-hearted and sincere let-
ter after those odd-looking events in the
And I am in such a peculiar sit-
uation that I cannot talk about it as frankly as I would have liked, since that is im-
possible out of consideration for all those involved. But I can assure you that it was
hard for me to act the way I did, not only toward your daughter but also toward the
Just this much I can say: that circumstances which did not depend on

