3 4 0 D O C U M E N T 3 3 7 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4
onto you so much? You must give it up and get over it if you want to be a decent
fellow. Second voice: You’re puny-minded and a Philistine for not daring to take
what a good-hearted destiny is offering you in the company and affection of this
good girl. It’s deplorable if you abandon her against her will for the sake of an in-
definite fate.
So, I myself don’t know what’s good and right. Both these voices are right, either
way, Katzenstein and Aunt
Is the voice of my conscience or the nagging
to blame for my otherwise so entirely unusual insecurity? I don’t know. In any case,
if it were in any way possible, I would want to kiss you, your
Best regards to Uncle Hans and Aunt
whose letter I received.
336. From Thomas Greenwood[1]
[London,] Oct. 10, 1924
[See documentary edition for English text.]
337. To the Secretariat of the League of Nations’
International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation
[Leyden, 12 October
The Committee has commissioned the undersigned with the distribution of the
100,000 lire contributed by the Italian “Red Cross” among needy Russian intellec-
tuals presently outside of
In consultation with well-informed persons, we
have meanwhile disposed of that part of the sums which is supposed to reach Ger-
many and Holland. We have furthermore become cognizant that provision has al-
ready been made to some extent for Russian intellectuals in Czechoslovakia. Our
information regarding the other countries, particularly Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Po-
land, and France, will only be complete sometime later.
In summary, the grants approved up to now, after careful individual consider-
ation, are as follows:
1) Financial aid to (41) individual students of the “Russian Academic Association
2,490 marks
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

3 4 0 D O C U M E N T 3 3 7 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4
onto you so much? You must give it up and get over it if you want to be a decent
fellow. Second voice: You’re puny-minded and a Philistine for not daring to take
what a good-hearted destiny is offering you in the company and affection of this
good girl. It’s deplorable if you abandon her against her will for the sake of an in-
definite fate.
So, I myself don’t know what’s good and right. Both these voices are right, either
way, Katzenstein and Aunt
Is the voice of my conscience or the nagging
to blame for my otherwise so entirely unusual insecurity? I don’t know. In any case,
if it were in any way possible, I would want to kiss you, your
Best regards to Uncle Hans and Aunt
whose letter I received.
336. From Thomas Greenwood[1]
[London,] Oct. 10, 1924
[See documentary edition for English text.]
337. To the Secretariat of the League of Nations’
International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation
[Leyden, 12 October
The Committee has commissioned the undersigned with the distribution of the
100,000 lire contributed by the Italian “Red Cross” among needy Russian intellec-
tuals presently outside of
In consultation with well-informed persons, we
have meanwhile disposed of that part of the sums which is supposed to reach Ger-
many and Holland. We have furthermore become cognizant that provision has al-
ready been made to some extent for Russian intellectuals in Czechoslovakia. Our
information regarding the other countries, particularly Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Po-
land, and France, will only be complete sometime later.
In summary, the grants approved up to now, after careful individual consider-
ation, are as follows:
1) Financial aid to (41) individual students of the “Russian Academic Association
2,490 marks

