D O C U M E N T S 4 7 2 – 4 7 4 A P R I L 1 9 2 5 4 7 3
472. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein and Rudolf Kayser
[Buenos Aires,] 8 April [1925]
My Dears,
After a glorious voyage and much preaching and acquainting myself with Ar-
gentines, Jews, and physicists, I am sitting here for a couple of days of rest on an
isolated country
Then it’s onwards to Cordoba and later (Apr. 22) to Mon-
tevideo, then May 2 to Rio, and on May 12 on board the return ship; on May 31 I’m
arriving in Hamburg, if all goes smoothly. Give my greetings also to the
I don’t have enough postcards, otherwise I would have written to
Warm regards, yours,
473. To Margot Einstein
[Buenos Aires,] 10 April 1925
Dear little Margot,
I hope you’re doing fine. I spent three beautiful days on Wassermann’s country
—Isle of the Blessed. But then it’s completely frantically busy again (Cor-
doba, Montevideo, Rio), a real test on the nerves. On May 31 I’m arriving in Ham-
burg again. I’ve been managing it quite well up to now and mangling French to
blazes like the devil.
Fond greetings to all of you from your
474. To Elsa and Margot Einstein
[Buenos Aires,] 15 April 1925
My Dears,
What a lot of things I’ve experienced! You’ll read about it in my
in all, it went quite well, but my head is as if stirred up inside with a ladle. If the
hadn’t protected me so well, I would surely have gone nuts; this
way, only halfway so. In one week I’ll be traveling to Montevideo, then around the
11th of May to Rio. On the 11th my
departs from there for Hamburg.