3 2 0 D O C U M E N T 3 2 0 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 4
As concerns the language in which the letters and minutes would be conveyed
to Mr. Scheel, or to the societies, there are no objections and no
Overall, in the entire affair only practical considerations come into regard, but no
political ones.
Now, respecting the time of the planned meeting in Brussels, it would be fine
with Mr. Scheel if a date around October 20 were
Before October 15 he
would not easily be able to get away.
I must confess that during this conversation I received the impression that for
Mr. Scheel and the others (of the Society for Pract. Physics) there is a certain sub-
conscious inhibition against international cooperation, although that absolutely did
not come up explicitly and the reasons presented were of a purely objective nature.
In these circumstances one may raise the question whether, in this situation, a meet-
ing in Brussels would be at all appropriate, particularly since it cannot be guaran-
teed whether Mr. Scheel would be equipped with sufficient powers of authority for
final agreements. I believe, though, that the meeting in Brussels should take place
in any case, so that Mr. Scheel will, as it were, catch a whiff of international air.
That will surely work more effectively than a discussion in writing about factual
arguments. One has to treat these people gently and with patience; through their
ten-year isolation they have somewhat lost their perspective.
Mr. Scheel is leaving in the coming days. Please send the letter for him to the
address “Business Office of the Society for German Scientists and Physicians in
Innsbruck.” I am coming to Leyden at the beginning of October and am very much
looking forward to seeing you, your
and the dear De
Cordial greetings to you, yours,
A. Einstein.
P. S. I haven’t had an opportunity to speak to Mr. Planck yet about the national
But this will certainly be possible before I come to Leyden.
320. To Hayari Miyake[1]
Berlin, 13 September 1924
Dear Prof. Miyake,
We are very happy about the pictures of your dear family that you sent
ticularly the picture of your eldest daughter has charmed many people already. We
are doing quite well. We so often still think of Japan and the many favors extended
to us; also of the various illnesses you cured with such