2 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 2 , 2 0 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 4
Friday, when we’re at Mühsam’s…” Now you have to show her some personal fa-
vor (visit, with a Viennese kiss of the hand, or something like that) so that she sees
anew that no one wants to offend her.
I kiss your hand and mouth, yours,
A. Einstein.
202. From Fritz Haber
Dahlem, Berlin, 8 Faraday Way, 29 January 1924
Dear Albert Einstein,
I am herewith sending you a letter, concerning which I think it would in fact be
very useful if you were to decide to write the
which in my view can also
be shorter. I regard the 20–30 pages more as a suggestion than a requirement.
In addition, I must necessarily talk to you about your divorced
and would
be very pleased if you were willing to grant me occasion to do so.
With best regards, yours,
For our conversation I would like to note the following: You have, as far as I
know, bought for your divorced wife American dollar bonds currently held by Eu-
ropean states and deposited them in
It is perhaps the case that these
bonds can only be held in America, because the interest is only payable there and
because, if needed, they can only be guaranteed there. Is that the case? Otherwise,
the lady would be right that these European bonds could also be deposited in
Your friend,
203. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] 30 January 1924
My dear Betty,
You are good and smart and will find the right way with me. The situation with
my wife is as
She has a pathological fear that I will go secretly to see
and she would have gone mad if I had not given her some security by
promising that I would not go there in secret. If you could see her bewilderment,
you would be convinced that one definitely must make this concession to her if one
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 2 , 2 0 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 4
Friday, when we’re at Mühsam’s…” Now you have to show her some personal fa-
vor (visit, with a Viennese kiss of the hand, or something like that) so that she sees
anew that no one wants to offend her.
I kiss your hand and mouth, yours,
A. Einstein.
202. From Fritz Haber
Dahlem, Berlin, 8 Faraday Way, 29 January 1924
Dear Albert Einstein,
I am herewith sending you a letter, concerning which I think it would in fact be
very useful if you were to decide to write the
which in my view can also
be shorter. I regard the 20–30 pages more as a suggestion than a requirement.
In addition, I must necessarily talk to you about your divorced
and would
be very pleased if you were willing to grant me occasion to do so.
With best regards, yours,
For our conversation I would like to note the following: You have, as far as I
know, bought for your divorced wife American dollar bonds currently held by Eu-
ropean states and deposited them in
It is perhaps the case that these
bonds can only be held in America, because the interest is only payable there and
because, if needed, they can only be guaranteed there. Is that the case? Otherwise,
the lady would be right that these European bonds could also be deposited in
Your friend,
203. To Betty Neumann
[Berlin,] 30 January 1924
My dear Betty,
You are good and smart and will find the right way with me. The situation with
my wife is as
She has a pathological fear that I will go secretly to see
and she would have gone mad if I had not given her some security by
promising that I would not go there in secret. If you could see her bewilderment,
you would be convinced that one definitely must make this concession to her if one

