4 5 6 D O C . 4 5 5 T R A V E L D I A R Y
comedy. In return for that, there’ll then be a very nice long trip homeward. I can
scarcely imagine a regular, quiet life anymore; that’s how much hustle and bustle
lies behind me. How our paper heroes will enjoy having talked the man-on-the-
street into
It was embarrassing for the German envoy in Montevi-
deo; and the Uruguayans were poking fun at the Germans: The nation that had its
reason beaten out of it with a stick.
4. Arrival in Rio at sunset and in splendid weather. Fantastically shaped granite-
rock islands in foreground. Humidity lends a mysterious effect. Ship’s doctor tells
of two experiences with telepathy. (He dreamed of being called for by a country
farmer about a growth in the armpit of a 17-year old daughter, that had to be
drained. The next day, precisely that really happened.) He tells about two other cas-
es that supposedly happened to him. Educated and sensible man. Also shows me a
note about Parisian experiments on bacteriophages, which I definitely consider
Picked up by hotel personnel in harbor and awaited by professors and Jews on
They all give the impression of being tropically softened. The Europe-
an needs a greater metabolic stimulus than this forever humid warm atmosphere of-
fers. What good is natural beauty and wealth in this regard? I think that the life of
a European slave laborer is still richer, above all, less dreamy and hazy. Adaptation
probably only possible at the price of alertness.
5. Walk in the city with Kohn. A get-up-and-go type. Noontime with his wife
and her lady companion at the
The women, nice and airy. In the afternoon,
visit & invitation from some German businessmen. Next, with professors to “Sug-
arloaf.” Dizzying trip above wild forest by cable car. At the top, splendid interplay
between fog and sun. In the evening, welcome by Jewish associations. Then noc-
turnal drive with the very likable, intelligent, and fine Rabbi
6. Walk with Silvamello in upper part of the city. Clever, refined person, who in-
troduced me to the little intrigues of the faculty. Language has greater pull here than
observation. At midday, in better harbor pub. Spicy fish
In the afternoon,
visiting the president, education minister, mayor. Around ½ past 4 o’clock first lec-
ture in Engineers’ Club in overcrowded hall with street noises through the open
windows. For acoustic reasons alone, communication impossible. Little scientific
Here I’m some kind of white elephant to the others, they are monkeys to
me. In the evening alone in the hotel in my room naked I enjoy the view onto the
bay with countless green, partly bare rock islands in the moonlight.
7) Visit to the natural history museum; animals and anthropology the main sub-
ject. Beauty of the spinal column of a snake as a design. Culture of the Indians,
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