4 0 D O C U M E N T 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 3 I am sorry that you definitely resigned from the C. I. C. I believe that the right line would have been for a number of us to say that it was impossible for the C. I. C. to function while the French were refusing to submit their case to arbitration, and were creating pract[i]cally a state of war in Europe. I believe that ¢a good many² some other members of the Committee would have been willing to take that line. The C. I. C. itself consists largely of people who have nothing particular to do with the League, and are not I fear, permeated with the League spirit, but apart from that, the European situation is such as to make international co-operation practically im- possible. Believe me, Yours sincerely, Gilbert Murray. TL. [34 800]. Nathan and Norden 2004, p. 80. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document. [1]Murray (1866–1957) was Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Oxford and vice- chairman of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC). [2]Einstein to Pierre Comert, 21 March 1923 (Vol. 13, Doc. 447). [3]The word is underlined in an unknown hand. [4]The word is underlined in an unknown hand. [5]France and Belgium had recently occupied the Ruhr region. For Einstein’s reaction, see “Travel Diary Japan, Palestine, Spain” (Vol. 13, Doc. 379, entry for 22 January 1923). 18. To Elsa Einstein[1] Kiel, 21. IV. [1923] Liebe Else! Nach guter Reise hier eingetroffen. Nach etwas schwieriger telephonischer Verständigung holte mich Herr Anschütz[2] ab und führte mich in die reizende Junggesellenwohnung, die er mir hier eingerichtet hat.[3] Diese ist nicht in der Diogenes-tonne,[4] deren Bau wegen grosser Bau-Schwierigkeiten unterlassen werden musste, sondern im Erdgeschoss des Hauses, in dem Herr Anschütz und sein Schwager[5] wohnen. Es ist so herrlich, dass es mir leid thut, wieder so bald fort zu müssen. Eine ganze Einrichtung ist dabei, die er mir statt Bezahlung des
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4 0 D O C U M E N T 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 3 I am sorry that you definitely resigned from the C. I. C. I believe that the right line would have been for a number of us to say that it was impossible for the C. I. C. to function while the French were refusing to submit their case to arbitration, and were creating pract[i]cally a state of war in Europe. I believe that ¢a good many² some other members of the Committee would have been willing to take that line. The C. I. C. itself consists largely of people who have nothing particular to do with the League, and are not I fear, permeated with the League spirit, but apart from that, the European situation is such as to make international co-operation practically im- possible. Believe me, Yours sincerely, Gilbert Murray. TL. [34 800]. Nathan and Norden 2004, p. 80. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document. [1]Murray (1866–1957) was Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Oxford and vice- chairman of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC). [2]Einstein to Pierre Comert, 21 March 1923 (Vol. 13, Doc. 447). [3]The word is underlined in an unknown hand. [4]The word is underlined in an unknown hand. [5]France and Belgium had recently occupied the Ruhr region. For Einstein’s reaction, see “Travel Diary Japan, Palestine, Spain” (Vol. 13, Doc. 379, entry for 22 January 1923). 18. To Elsa Einstein[1] Kiel, 21. IV. [1923] Liebe Else! Nach guter Reise hier eingetroffen. Nach etwas schwieriger telephonischer Verständigung holte mich Herr Anschütz[2] ab und führte mich in die reizende Junggesellenwohnung, die er mir hier eingerichtet hat.[3] Diese ist nicht in der Diogenes-tonne,[4] deren Bau wegen grosser Bau-Schwierigkeiten unterlassen werden musste, sondern im Erdgeschoss des Hauses, in dem Herr Anschütz und sein Schwager[5] wohnen. Es ist so herrlich, dass es mir leid thut, wieder so bald fort zu müssen. Eine ganze Einrichtung ist dabei, die er mir statt Bezahlung des

