1 9 4 D O C U M E N T 1 9 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 4
All matters of a political or nationalistic nature are excluded from the program
of the “Asociación
2). According to your wish, which by the way entirely coincides with our own
intentions, we have intervened with the University of Buenos Aires to the effect
that they would invite you to deliver some scientific lectures in this
In the attached extracts from Buenos Aires
you will see that the
university, together with the four other Argentine universities, has resolved to ex-
tend an invitation to you and has accepted to this end a donation from the “Asoci-
ación Hebraïca” through which we intend to facilitate the financial issue.
You will see in these extracts that the University of Buenos Aires has decided to
offer you, as honoraria, the sum of 4,000 dollars (including our donation) as well
as two return passage
The other Argentine universities on their part will certainly contribute as well.
The university has just informed us that their official invitation has already been
sent to you through representatives of the Argentine Ministers in Germany and
3). We have taken similar steps in the Republic of Uruguay, and the University
of Montevideo has decided on its part to invite you, contributing the sum of 1,000
4). We believe that we can do the same in Chile, if you are interested in traveling
to this country, which would enable you to make your return trip through the Pacif-
ic; in an affirmative case, please let us know without delay and we will take it upon
ourselves to undertake the necessary steps to this effect with the University of San-
5). We do not need to settle your schedule during your stay in Argentina and the
other countries, since this will depend on your arrangements with the various uni-
On our part we have no obligations to impose upon you, since our sole aim, in
taking the initiative of arranging your voyage, has been to fulfill one of the goals of
our cultural intellectual program and at the same time to provide you the opportu-
nity to visit South America.
Nevertheless, we would be very pleased to offer you a reception and to hear one
or two popular lectures on a subject that you consider appropriate to the character
of our institution.
But in no case should you fear any action on our part that would use your name
for of any kind of advertising or propaganda, since this would be contrary to the
purely intellectual character of the “Asociación Hebraïca.”
6). Some Israelite notables are putting their homes at your disposal for the dura-
tion of your visit to Buenos Aires.