5 4 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 4 5 , 3 4 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 [2]Einstein had arrived in Leyden around 9 October (see Doc. 333). [3]A reference to the planned first international conference of the “Fédération des Unions Intellec- tuelles,” also known as the “Europäischer Kulturbund.” The federation was the initiative of the Aus- trian conservative political writer Karl Anton Rohan, who had published a manifesto of the “Europäischer Kulturbund” in 1923 (see Müller 2005, pp. 332 and 338–341). [4]Hendrik A. Lorentz and Einstein were members of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation’s Subcommittee on Bibliography. Langevin was a consultant for the subcommittee (see Doc. 292). [5]Heike and Catharina Kamerlingh Onnes (1861–1936). Paul Ehrenfest and Tatiana Ehrenfest- Afanassjewa. [6]Satyendra Nath Bose. 345. To Elsa Einstein [Bentheim, ca. 25 October 1924][1] Liebe Else! Glücklich bis Bentheim gelangt.[2] Man machte Schwierigkeiten wegen fehlen- den Beweises, dass ich in Deutschland wohne. Schicke schleunigst den deutschen Pass, dass ich wieder zurück kann (eingeschrieben) Beste Grüsse an Euch alle Euer Albert. AKS. [143 166]. The postcard is addressed to “Frau Elsa Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin” and post- marked “[B]en[t]hei[m ---]7–8 N[achmittags].” The verso depicts a “Partie am Karpfenteich” at Bad Bentheim. [1]Dated on the assumption that the postcard was written on Einstein’s return journey from Leyden to Berlin. In Doc. 342, he informs Elsa that he will probably return on 25 October. [2]Bad Bentheim lies on the German-Dutch border. 346. From Satyendra Nath Bose Paris Ve, 17 Rue du Sommerard, 26. 10. 24 Dear Master, My heart-felt gratitude for taking the trouble of translating the paper yourself and publishing it.[1] I just saw it in print before I left India. I have also sent you about the middle of June a second paper entitled “Thermal Equilibrium in the Ra- diation field in presence of matter.”[2] I am rather anxious to know your opinion about it, ¢before² as I think it to be rather important.[3] I don’t know whether it will be possible also to have this paper published in Zeit. fur Physik. I have been granted study-leave by my University[4] for 2 years. I have arrived just a week ago in Paris. I don’t know whether it will be possible for me to work under you in Germany. I shall be glad however if you grant me the permission to work under you. For it will mean for me the realisation of a long-cherished hope.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

5 4 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 4 5 , 3 4 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 [2]Einstein had arrived in Leyden around 9 October (see Doc. 333). [3]A reference to the planned first international conference of the “Fédération des Unions Intellec- tuelles,” also known as the “Europäischer Kulturbund.” The federation was the initiative of the Aus- trian conservative political writer Karl Anton Rohan, who had published a manifesto of the “Europäischer Kulturbund” in 1923 (see Müller 2005, pp. 332 and 338–341). [4]Hendrik A. Lorentz and Einstein were members of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation’s Subcommittee on Bibliography. Langevin was a consultant for the subcommittee (see Doc. 292). [5]Heike and Catharina Kamerlingh Onnes (1861–1936). Paul Ehrenfest and Tatiana Ehrenfest- Afanassjewa. [6]Satyendra Nath Bose. 345. To Elsa Einstein [Bentheim, ca. 25 October 1924][1] Liebe Else! Glücklich bis Bentheim gelangt.[2] Man machte Schwierigkeiten wegen fehlen- den Beweises, dass ich in Deutschland wohne. Schicke schleunigst den deutschen Pass, dass ich wieder zurück kann (eingeschrieben) Beste Grüsse an Euch alle Euer Albert. AKS. [143 166]. The postcard is addressed to “Frau Elsa Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin” and post- marked “[B]en[t]hei[m ---]7–8 N[achmittags].” The verso depicts a “Partie am Karpfenteich” at Bad Bentheim. [1]Dated on the assumption that the postcard was written on Einstein’s return journey from Leyden to Berlin. In Doc. 342, he informs Elsa that he will probably return on 25 October. [2]Bad Bentheim lies on the German-Dutch border. 346. From Satyendra Nath Bose Paris Ve, 17 Rue du Sommerard, 26. 10. 24 Dear Master, My heart-felt gratitude for taking the trouble of translating the paper yourself and publishing it.[1] I just saw it in print before I left India. I have also sent you about the middle of June a second paper entitled “Thermal Equilibrium in the Ra- diation field in presence of matter.”[2] I am rather anxious to know your opinion about it, ¢before² as I think it to be rather important.[3] I don’t know whether it will be possible also to have this paper published in Zeit. fur Physik. I have been granted study-leave by my University[4] for 2 years. I have arrived just a week ago in Paris. I don’t know whether it will be possible for me to work under you in Germany. I shall be glad however if you grant me the permission to work under you. For it will mean for me the realisation of a long-cherished hope.

