D O C U M E N T 3 8 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4 3 8 5
to drum up. But it would have been a worrisome existence with little freedom. And
thus we are liberated. I can’t tell you what a joy this is for us. And this peace is balm
for Pauli’s
He often couldn’t sleep for weeks when a letter arrived from
the woman who lent us the
He takes everything to heart far more than I
do. I have lots of optimism, inherited from
In a word—we’re happy; and
that’s your doing. We both formally submit the declaration of honor, which we en-
close with a thousand
It is our wish and aim, too, to keep the house and
little garden free of debt. And you’ll see that it’ll stay that way, if no unforeseen
things force us or one of us to sell. But that will never happen without your approv-
al, dear Albert. You can be sure of that, with or without the word of honor.
I’m immensely sorry that Albert caught the flu. It appears to be very mild over
here this year. I hope it’s the same for you there, too. Just be careful that you and
don’t also get it from nursing him. What’s the matter with Ilse’s
What’s wrong with her? I’m so sorry that such a shadow is cast on her
young marriage.
I’m also very sorry that Albert reproached Mrs. Lazard so
I’m not to
blame, however, for her having rung you up; I didn’t commission her with anything
for you, and also never wrote to her again.
But when one knows how hard it is for artists to earn anything nowadays—and
she is forced to provide for herself and her child by the work of her own hands—
one can understand—even if one doesn’t approve—that the ill woman will also use
means that are not entirely unobjectionable. She also thoroughly exploited us and
our Zurich friends; still I gladly forgave her for it. It’s hard enough for her as it is.
I’m looking forward to Margot’s visit
Hopefully she’ll feel quite
at home with us then, as well. I’ll certainly do my part. I’d so much like to invite
Ilse, too. It would certainly do her good. But her
probably won’t be able
to get away; and without him she probably won’t want to go.—But if it should
work, do let me know so that I can write and cancel the lodgers. But Margot as well
as all of you should come purely as guests. Right? Otherwise I don’t feel comfort-
able about it. This is just to prevent any misunderstandings.
A droplet of bitterness does fall into my chalice of delight, though. Why do you
write so austerely and gravely, dear Elsa? And why doesn’t Albert write us a line
personally so that we can see that he’s happy to be doing it? It almost looks as if he
had some reason to distrust us or to be angry. And I really don’t know what for. He
thought of the idea on his own, you know. I would never have dared to ask for such
a thing. Not even to take out the mortgage, not to speak of making such a gift. I
would so much like everything to be clear between us; that’s why I’m writing this
and am asking you please to let me know.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 3 8 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4 3 8 5
to drum up. But it would have been a worrisome existence with little freedom. And
thus we are liberated. I can’t tell you what a joy this is for us. And this peace is balm
for Pauli’s
He often couldn’t sleep for weeks when a letter arrived from
the woman who lent us the
He takes everything to heart far more than I
do. I have lots of optimism, inherited from
In a word—we’re happy; and
that’s your doing. We both formally submit the declaration of honor, which we en-
close with a thousand
It is our wish and aim, too, to keep the house and
little garden free of debt. And you’ll see that it’ll stay that way, if no unforeseen
things force us or one of us to sell. But that will never happen without your approv-
al, dear Albert. You can be sure of that, with or without the word of honor.
I’m immensely sorry that Albert caught the flu. It appears to be very mild over
here this year. I hope it’s the same for you there, too. Just be careful that you and
don’t also get it from nursing him. What’s the matter with Ilse’s
What’s wrong with her? I’m so sorry that such a shadow is cast on her
young marriage.
I’m also very sorry that Albert reproached Mrs. Lazard so
I’m not to
blame, however, for her having rung you up; I didn’t commission her with anything
for you, and also never wrote to her again.
But when one knows how hard it is for artists to earn anything nowadays—and
she is forced to provide for herself and her child by the work of her own hands—
one can understand—even if one doesn’t approve—that the ill woman will also use
means that are not entirely unobjectionable. She also thoroughly exploited us and
our Zurich friends; still I gladly forgave her for it. It’s hard enough for her as it is.
I’m looking forward to Margot’s visit
Hopefully she’ll feel quite
at home with us then, as well. I’ll certainly do my part. I’d so much like to invite
Ilse, too. It would certainly do her good. But her
probably won’t be able
to get away; and without him she probably won’t want to go.—But if it should
work, do let me know so that I can write and cancel the lodgers. But Margot as well
as all of you should come purely as guests. Right? Otherwise I don’t feel comfort-
able about it. This is just to prevent any misunderstandings.
A droplet of bitterness does fall into my chalice of delight, though. Why do you
write so austerely and gravely, dear Elsa? And why doesn’t Albert write us a line
personally so that we can see that he’s happy to be doing it? It almost looks as if he
had some reason to distrust us or to be angry. And I really don’t know what for. He
thought of the idea on his own, you know. I would never have dared to ask for such
a thing. Not even to take out the mortgage, not to speak of making such a gift. I
would so much like everything to be clear between us; that’s why I’m writing this
and am asking you please to let me know.

