I N D E X 6 0 3
Zeisler, Paul (1897–1971), 318
Zeisler, Sigmund (1860–1931), 280, 318, 345n
AE on letter of, 344
meets with AE and Elsa Einstein, 318
reads Moszkowski 1921, 318
Zeltner, Louis, 164n
Zero-point energy, lii, 247, 265
Zetkin, Klara, 272n
Zionism, 548a
conflict between Weizmann and Brandeis, 90n
Schlesinger on reasons for not supporting, 389
Zionist Congress, Eleventh, 165n
Zionist Congress, Twelfth
AE praised at, 283
Holitscher participates in, 282
Jabotinsky-Buber controversy, 283
Zionist General Council, 89n
Zionist mission to US, 216
Zionist Organization, 89n, 101n, 108, 111, 127,
against allegations by Brandeis group, 323
allegations of misappropriation of funds, 182
funding for settlement of Palestine, 304
Reorganisation Commission, 323
Zionist Organization of America, (ZOA), 90n,
132, 216, 224. See also Brandeis group
Zionist Society of Engineers and Agriculturists,
New York, xxxv
Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland, xlv,
216n; AE speaks at meeting of, 461c
Zlatopolsky, Hillel, 126n
ZOA. See Zionist Organization of America
Zschimmer, Eberhard (1873–1940), 294
on conflict of relativity with absolute knowl-
edge, 295n
performs Gedankenexperiment described in
Einstein 1917a, 488c
Zürcher, Emil Jr. (1877–1937), 20n, 36
on AE explaining theory of relativity, 36
against moving AE’s Swiss family from Zur-
ich, 37
praises AE’s sons, 37
Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna (1873–1939), 20n, 36,
Zurich, Burghölzli asylum in, 17n
Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942), xlvi
on Anatole France meeting with AE, 378