6 0 2 I N D E X
redshift in, 215
similarity with AE’s theories, 246
Weyland, Paul (1888–1972), 51, 128, 212
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1955), liv, 231,
456c, 457c
Wickersham, George, 164n
Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928), 82, 130, 139n, 235
Wiener, Otto (1862–1927), 81
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848–
1931), xxxi, 127
Wildermuth, Filipp (1881–?), 310, 310n
Wilhelm II, German Emperor (1859–1941), 140
Willigens’ time coordinates, 431c
Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924), 126n, 230n
Windelband, Wilhelm, 451c
Winteler, Mathias, 345n; AE meets, 344
Winteler, Paul (1882–1952), xli, 281n, 306n,
322n, 474c
AE on, 344
on Auergesellschaft dividends, 18n
confiscated shares of, 318
ill with pleurisy, 370
new residence in Fiesole, 344
sends payment to Einstein-Maric;, 367
Winteler family, AE on craziness of, 344
Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951), xli, 209,
322n, 346, 469c, 484c
AE on, 344
AE on chances for employment in Italy, 344
on Auergesellschaft shares, 370
new residence in Fiesole, 344
plans to settle near Florence, 210
on travelling in Italy, 210
Winterfeldt-Menkin, Joachim von (1865–1945),
199, 213, 245, 461c, 485c
Winternitz, Artur (1893–1961), 32n, 33, 34n
Winternitz, Moritz (1863–1937), 31, 33n, 33,
Winternitz-Nagel, Berta (1862–1932), 32n, 33,
Wirth, Joseph, 389n
Wirtinger, Wilhelm (1865–1945), xlix, 85, 96n,
110n, 118, 119n, 258n
on relativistic invariants, 116–118
on relativity with quotients of metric, 85–86,
Wise, Stephen, 105n
Wolff, Rudolf, asks AE for financial assistance,
482c, 483c, 484c
Wolff, Theodor (1868–1943), xliii, 223, 224n
Worcester, 160
Wrobel, Ignaz (ps. of Kurt Tucholsky), 239n
Wulf, Theodor (1868–1946), 102, 102n, 432c
Wulford, Max, painting of AE, 423c
Wustrow, 265; AE vacations at, 254
X-rays, generation of
AE on, 226
Meitner on, 234
Yale University, xxxv, 89, 99n, 444c
Yamamoto, Sanehiko (1885–1972), 287, 288
Yerkes Observatory, 184, 195; AE visits, 449c
Zacharias, Elisabeth, née Holländer (1885–?), 31
Zacharias, Paul (1875–?), 30, 45, 59
against uncontrolled information to foreign
press, 60
on danger of attacks against AE, 31, 59
Zangger, Gina (1911–2005), 26
Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1954), xli, 5, 21, 25,
214, 242, 293, 296, 298
angry with Einstein-Maric;, 5
arranges sick leave for Weyl, 21, 25
on Bleuler’s book, 356
on Born’s book on relativity, 21
on difficulties in breaking new paths in science,
on growing use of cocaine, 296–298
optimistic about Eduard Einstein’s health, 21
peacemaker between AE and Hans Albert, 5–6
on precautionary measures against industrial
accidents, 298–299
on prospects of research in industry, 296
on reactions to his book on medicine and law,
on reception of relativity, 21
regrets that AE will not visit Switzerland, 298
suggests AE invites Besso to Berlin, 357
visits Paris, 21
Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943), 43
Zeeman effect, anomalous, 142, 246, 321
Zeeman Fund, 433c; AE contributes to, 46, 84
Zeipel, Hugo von, 468c
Zeisler, Ernest (1899–1962), 318, 448c
Zeisler, Leonard (1886–1966), 318