I N D E X 6 0 1
AE lectures in, 35n
AE visits, 36, 85
Arbeiter-Zeitung, 64
Vieweg Publishing House. See Publishers
Vilna Yiddish theater troupe, AE thanks for per-
formance, 281
Vincent, George, 179n
Virchow, Rudolf (1821–1902), 275, 276n
Viscosity, 229
Voigt, Woldemar (1850–1919), 81
Vorwärts, 539a
Vos van Steenwijk, Jacobus de (1889–1978), on
Venus and Mercury observations, 473c
Vossische Zeitung, 224n
Voûte, Joan, 263n
Waard, R. de, invites AE to lecture, 424c
Wagner, Ernst (1876–1928), 234; requests
KWIP funds for high-voltage battery and
maintenance, 425c
Wagner, Evelyn N., 68, 429c
Wähner, Franz, 33n
Wait, Wesley, xl
Walcott, Charles (1850–1927), 165
Warburg, Emil (1846–1931), 202, 203, 352
Warburg, Felix, 95n, 112n
Warburg, Max M. (1868–1946), xxix, 73, 84n,
Warburg, Otto (1883–1970), 436c; Loeb’s at-
tempts to support, 229
Warburg, Paul M. (1868–1932), xxviii, 73, 88,
89, 95, 162, 112n, 141n
cannot attend meeting with AE, 173
on financial obstacles of AE’s US lecture tour,
has strong misgivings about Zionism, 173
Warschauer, Malwin (1871–1955), xxxv, 120n,
on importance of Jewish communities, 112–
Washington University in St. Louis, xxxv
Webb, Sidney, 289
Webster, Arthur (1863–1923), invites AE, 160,
161, 445c
Wechsler, Israel, 105n
Wegscheider, Rudolf (1859–1935), 64
Weigert, Charlotte (1883–1971), 11
Weiss, Otto, 428c, 429c
Weiss, Pierre (1865–1940), 4n, 401
Weissmann, ? (police chief), Zangger on, 296
Weitzenböck, Roland (1885–1955), 118
Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), xxviii, 101n,
105n, 111, 126n, 129n, 158, 164n, 165n,
172n, 174n, 178, 178n, 181n, 182n, 183n,
209, 216, 222, 224, 225, 233n, 257, 283n,
434c, 437c, 440c–443c, 447c, 450c, 454c,
455c, 466c, 487c
AE on invitation to US from, 194
AE on upcoming trip of to US, 360
on AE’s plans for trip to Palestine, 304
and Brandeis-Mack faction, 176n, 181n, 182
conflict with ZOA, 90n
on departure for US, 434c
granted freedom of New York City, 163, 442c
granted freedom of New York State, 442c
on invitations by US universities for AE, 132–
invites AE to join US mission, 89n, 96n, 127,
lectures in Berlin, 389
on new trip by AE to US, 304
thanks AE for joining US mission, 101, 108
Weizmann, Vera (1881–1966), xxxi, 101, 109n,
179n; at Hadassah reception, 445c
Wells, H. G., 289, 326n, 429c
Weltbühne, 320
Wende, Erich (1884–1966), 310, 314
Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943), 114
West, Andrew, 446c
Westphal, Wilhelm (1882–1978), 476c
Wetzel, ?, 512a
Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955), xlviii, lvi, 21, 25,
97, 116, 118, 118n, 130, 142, 206, 246, 256,
316, 333, 379, 461c, 467c, 511a
on Bad Nauheim meeting, 382
on gravitational constant, 358
requests AE’s help in republication of Weyl
1918a, 259, 276, 380, 382, 390
on Soldner, 381
Weyl invariant, 119
Weyl scalar, xlix
Weyl tensor, 97, 97n, 116
Weyl’s postulate, 96
Weyl’s unified field theory, 97n, 118n, 246, 276,
316, 358, 379, 511a
AE on, 21, 26, 149, 246, 276, 316, 374
compromise between AE’s theories and, 97,
110, 259