Page numbers followed by a lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein docu-
ments; page numbers followed by a lowercase “c” indicate references to the
Calendar. References are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain
institutions, organizations, and concepts that have no standard English translation
are listed under their German designation (with cross references from an English
translation). “Albert Einstein” is abbreviated to “AE” in subentries. Other abbrevia-
tions used in the index are: “DPG” for “Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,”
“ETH” for “Eidgenössisch-Technische Hochschule,” “GDNÄ” for “Gesellschaft
deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte,” “KWIP” for “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für
Physik,” “KWG” for “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft,” “PAW” for “Preussische
Akademie der Wissenschaften,” “US” for the “United States of America.” A sepa-
rate index of citations follows the main index.
Aardenne, Gijsbert van (1888–1983), 262, 298,
403, 480
Abbé, F.: 106, 121; AE’s landlord at Wittels-
bacherstraße, 131n
Abderhalden, Emil (1877–1950), 260
Abraham, Max (1875–1922): 22, 67; in Zurich,
25; on AE’s theory of gravitation, 17
Absolute differential calculus, 25
Absolute motion of solar system, from eclipses
of Jupiter’s moons, 516
Adams, Walter (1876–1956), 249
Adler, Friedrich (1879–1960): 78–80; pardon
plea for 73–74, 79, 81; interventions on be-
half of, xxxiv; AE on character of, 73–74, 79–
80; AE on manuscript of, 80, 82; AE volun-
teers as witness at trial of, 78; solicits AE’s
signature on appeal of amnesty for Hungarian
people’s commissars, 484; leaves GDNÄ
meeting in Nauheim, 600c
Adler, Josef (1844–1918), 96
Adler, Kathia (1879–1969), 198
Adler, Rosa (1855–1935), 96
Adler, Victor (1852–1918), 82
Aegeri, Canton Zug, Eduard Einstein in sanatori-
um in, xxxvii
Agar-agar, for Elsa Einstein, 122
Ahrenshoop, xxxvi
Airfoil design by AE, tested, 106n
Airplane, model of by Hans Albert Einstein,
xxxii, xxxvi
Akademisch-Pädagogischer Verein, Vienna, ex-
presses sympathy for AE, 597c
Albert, Kurt, contributes to Einstein Donation
Fund, 372
Albis (Canton Zurich), 41
Albrecht, Sebastian (1876–?), 249
Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft (A.E.G.),
contributes to Einstein Donation Fund, 372
Allgemeine Studenten-Vertretung an der Tech-
nischen Hochschule Dresden, invites AE to
lecture, 590c, accepted, 591c, 608c, 612c,
“Als-Ob conference”: xlv, 246, 262, 265, 275,
288, 298–299, 573c, 576c, 586c; AE cancels