The following corrections to previous volumes are to be made in light of the infor-
mation contained in the Supplementary Correspondence presented in this volume:
Vol. 5, Doc. 30. The correct date is “[Munich, between 2 and 5 April 1911].”
Vol. 8, Doc. 114. The correct date is “[2 July 1917]”.
Vol. 8, Doc. 115. The correct date is “[6 July 1917]”.
Vol. 8, Doc. 122. The location “[Berlin]” is to be deleted, because Vol. 8,
Doc. 122a was sent from Eisenach the next day, and in it Ein-
stein noted that he and Elsa Einstein were on their way to
Vol. 8, Doc. 164. The missing passage indicated by an ellipsis in square
brackets is as follows: “Sei es nun das eine oder das andere,
sicher bedeutet es nichts unfreundliches über seine Art.”
(ADft [SzZ, Nachl. H. Zangger, box 216]. [89 117].)