8 6 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 3 4 6 a
Ich habe wenig Pflichten und doch viel
Schon die wissenschaftliche
Korrespondenz gibt gehörig zu thun, dann auch das Rechnen. Mit der meiner Ge-
sundheit geht es
Sei nur immer recht lieb mit Herrn Zangger. Er sorgt in rührender Weise für uns
alle in dieser schwierigen Zeit, trotzdem er so viel zu thun
Nur noch ein Monat, dann hab ich Dich wieder! Sei geküsst von Deinem
Gib den beiliegenden Brief Prof.
ALS (SzZ, Nachl. H. Zangger, box 1d). [86 561].
[1]After his mother and brother were hospitalized, Hans Albert moved in with the Zanggers on 28
April (see Vol. 8, Doc. 330a, in the present volume); the next day, he had to be hospitalized himself
due to an attack of diarrhea, after which he returned to the Zangger household (see Michele Besso to
Einstein, 4 May 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 333] and Heinrich Zangger to Einstein, 20 May 1917 [Vol. 8,
Doc. 342]).
[2]Einstein had informed Besso that he planned to arrive in Switzerland at the beginning of July
(see Einstein to Michel Besso, 15 May 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 340]).
[3]Eduard Einstein was to be sent to the sanatorium Höchwald in Arosa (see Heinrich Zangger to
Einstein, 20 May 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 342]).
[4]Einstein was giving a course of lectures on the theory of relativity at the University of Berlin (see
Berlin Verzeichnis 1917a)
[5]Einstein had received his musical training in the violin (see Vol. 1, “Albert Einstein—Beitrag für
sein Lebensbild,” p. lviii).
[6]Einstein had previously expressed his regret that Hans Albert was no longer taking piano lessons
(see Einstein to Hans Albert Einstein,13 October 1916 [Vol. 8, Doc. 263]).
[7]He had presented Einstein 1917d to the German Physical Society on 11 May 1917.
[8]A week earlier, Einstein informed Hilbert that he was still suffering from a liver ailment but that
his condition was better than four months earlier. Originally thought to be a liver ailment, his condi-
tion was eventually diagnosed as a gallstone problem (see Einstein to David Hilbert, 19 May 1917
[Vol. 8, Doc. 341]; Einstein to Michele Besso, 9 March 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 306], and Vol. 8, Doc. 326a,
in the present volume).
[9]Zangger was working on a book (presumably Zangger 1920a) and on an expert opinion; he was
also ill with periostitis (see Michele Besso to Einstein, 5 May 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 334]).
[10]The letter was most likely Vol. 8, Doc. 343a, although it may have been Vol. 8, Doc. 349a, both
in the present volume.
Vol. 8, 346a. From Hans Albert Einstein
Zürich den: I. VI. 17.
Ich möchte Dir wieder einmal schreiben, aber ich weiss nic nicht recht was. Vor-
erst möchte ich Dir mitteilen, dass der Tete wahrscheinlich in dieser Woche noch
nach Arosa
Er freut sich riesig & macht sich im ganzen Garten des Kran-
kenhauses bemerkbar, weil er überall
Frau Prof. Zangger hat sich
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