6 0 0 I N D E X
Thompson, William H., 448c
Thomson, Joseph J. (1856–1940), 343, 395,
Thomson effect, 23
Tientsin, 469c
Tomlinson, Paul (1888–1977), 295
Torino, International Institute of Sociology, in-
vites AE to conference on theory of relativity,
Tower telescope, liii, 293; funds for tower spec-
trograph for, 431c
Trautz, Max, requests KWIP funds for research
on specific heat of gases, 439c, 465c, 482c
Tucholsky, Kurt (1890–1935), 239n
Turner, Julius, portrait of AE by, 311
Unified field theory, xlviii
AE on, 206–207
of Bach, 206, 276
of Eddington, 206, 276
of Kaluza, 316, 329, 330–331, 357–358
of Weyl (see Weyl’s unified field theory)
Unimodular coordinates, in relativity, 11n
United States of America, relations with Ger-
many, 125, 193
and infinite amount of matter, 510a
radius of, 317
static model of, 317n
University of Amsterdam, AE lectures at, 307n
University of Berlin, 351; student uproar during
AE’s lecture at, 307n
University of Birmingham, AE invited to lecture
at, 463c, 470c
University of Bologna, AE invited to lecture at,
463c, 470c, 472c, 473c, 475c, 476c, 477c
University of California, Berkeley, 115, 251n
University of Chicago, xxxv
AE lectures at, 449c, 513a
AE offered position at, 274–275, 300, 375
considers Silberstein for assistant professor-
ship, 274
Reyerson Laboratory of, 273, 274
Silberstein’s lectures at, 220, 227, 273
University of Frankfurt, 251n
University of Göttingen, 119n
University of Leeds, xxxv; AE invited to lecture
at, 452c
University of Leyden, 115
AE’s inaugural lecture at, 14n
AE’s lectures at, 3n, 92–93
University of London, King’s College, 439c,
University of Manchester, xxxv, 183n, 445c
AE invited to lecture at, 128, 166
AE lectures at, 449c, 456c
awards AE honorary doctorate, 456c
University of Munich, xliv
AE cancels lecture at, 290–291, 306–307, 320
AE invited to lecture at, 243
AE promises to lecture at, 130
AE’s planned lecture at, 141–142
anti-Semitism at, 290
students at, 290
University of Padova, AE lectures at, 477c
University of Vienna, AE lectures at, 35n, 424c–
University of Wisconsin, xxxv, 73n, 89, 94
University of Zurich, 251n
Untermyer, Minnie Carl (1859–1924), 252, 483c
Untermyer, Samuel (1858–1940), xlii, 200, 205,
280, 345n
on Winteler’s confiscated shares, 318
Upper Silesia, plebiscite in, 320
in Prague, AE lectures to, 32, 424c
in Vienna, AE lectures to, 35, 35n, 421c–422c,
Ussishkin, Menachem (1863–1941), 126n, 179n,
183n, 441c
Utrechtsch Studenten Corps, solicits popular lec-
ture by AE, 424c, 429c
Vaihinger, Hans (1852–1933), 457c, 461c, 509a
Vámos, Franz (Ferenc), 463c, 481c, 488c; on
Hungarian edition of Einstein 1917a, 1920i
and 1921c, 463c
Varcollier, Henri, 99
Veblen, Oswald (1880–1960), liii, 450c
Veifa company, 324, 362
Venus, gravitational redshift of light of, 343
Vereinigte Fürsorge für das Auslanddeutschtum
invites AE to join committee, 474c, 478c, 485c
requests donation from AE, 474c, 478c
Versailles Peace Treaty, 547a
Vetter, Karl, 239n
AE leaves, 426c