V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 3 6 1 b 1 0 1
deshalb nicht weniger lieb! Ich nehme ihn mit nach Luzern, sodass er seine ganzen
Ferien bei Maja mit mir
Wenn eine Wasserkur nicht nötig sein wird,
treffen wir uns in
Paulis Schwester Rosa verheiratet sich nächsten
Dienstag nach langer Witwenschaft wieder. Wenn ich noch da bin, bin ich Trauzeu-
Heute war ich mit Onkel Jakob
Er ist wie immer sehr ver-
gnügt & wohnt im Baur au
Er rät mir, trotz des schlechten Kurses, alles
Geld von Berlin kommen zu
Gruss & Kuss Dein
AKS. [143 044]. The postcard is addressed “Frau Elsa Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin (Schöneberg),”
with return address “Abs. A. Einstein Zürich,” and postmarked “Zürich 12 Neumünster 14.VII.17.–2.”
[1]Einstein had planned to stay at the Zanggers in Zurich with Hans Albert for only one day on their
way to visit Eduard in Arosa (see the preceding document).
[2]Theodor Rosenheim (1860–1939) was Privatdozent in internal medicine at the University of
Berlin. He also had a clinic and private hospital in Berlin, where he treated gastric disorders. Rosen-
heim probably examined Einstein shortly before he left Berlin and seems to have disputed his col-
league Ismar Boas’s diagnosis of gallstones (see Einstein to Michele Besso, 9 March 1917 [Vol. 8,
Doc. 306]).
[3]A rest cure in Tarasp had been recommended by Boas in February (see Vol. 8, Doc. 297a, in the
present volume) and was still planned in mid-May (see Einstein to Michele Besso, 13 May 1917
[Vol. 8, Doc. 339]); Mergentheim is a spa in Württemberg with waters rich in sodium chloride,
Glauber’s salt, and iron.
[4]In mid-October 1916, Einstein had informed Zangger that he would send the same amount to
support his family during the period October to December (see Vol. 8, Doc. 263b, in the present vol-
ume). In April 1917, Hans Albert had asked Einstein to send the money directly to Mileva Einstein-
Maric; (see Vol. 8, Doc. 319a, in the present volume). In March 1917, Einstein had asked Besso to
inform him whether his family had sufficient funds (see Einstein to Michele Besso, after 9 March
1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 308]). It is not clear whether this is the same payment as the one planned in Octo-
ber 1916 or whether it is an additional support.
[5]Wander de Haas’s half of the Baumgartner Prize of 3,000 Austrian crowns, which had been
awarded to him and Einstein (see Vol. 8, Doc. 350a, in the present volume). Einstein planned to use
his half to cover the costs of Eduard’s medical treatment.
[6]Hans Albert Einstein.
[7]Ilse and Margot Einstein.
[8]On Einstein’s previous thoughts on Hans Albert staying with Einstein’s sister, Maja Winteler-
Einstein, see previous document, note 6.
[9]As mentioned nine days earlier (see Vol. 8, Doc. 359d, in the present volume).
[10]Rosa Winteler’s first husband, Ernst Bandi, died more than ten years earlier (see Einstein to Jost
Winteler, 3 November 1906 [Vol. 5, Doc. 41]). She married Rudolf Brand (1887–1967), a tenant of
the Bessos, who served as witnesses at the marriage ceremony on 21 July in Zurich.
[11]Einstein’s maternal uncle, Jacob Koch, lived part of the year in Switzerland (see Einwohner-
kontrolle, SzZ-Ar), while also maintaining a residence in Berlin (see Einstein to Mileva Einstein-
Maric; , 2 April 1914 [Vol. 8, Doc. 1]).
[12]A luxurious hotel in Zurich established in 1844.
[13]The rate of exchange was 0.66 marks to 1 Swiss franc (see Vossische Zeitung, 13 July 1917,
Evening Edition).
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