V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 4 7 5 b 1 4 9
gesprochen. Falls Al[b]ertli zu uns kommen kann, hielte ich’s für das beste, Du gä-
best uns auch
Da die beiden Jungen so sehr an einander hängen, wäre es
sehr schade sie ohne triftigen Grund zu trennen.
Was Du über Deinen Gesundheitszustand sagst, ist nicht erbau[lic]h. Wärest Du
doch nicht so schnell nach Berlin
es wäre halt doch beßer gewesen. Ich
freue mich sehr bis Ihr in die Schweiz kommt. Da wirst Du wohl bald Dein früheres
Gewicht wieder
Zwar sind unsere fetten Zeiten auch vorbei u. wir
nähren uns auch zum großen Teil von Lebensmitteln die man nur mittels fa[r]bigen
Papierchen u. einem ziemlichen Batzen dazu erstehen
Aber fürs erste
braucht man den Gürtel noch nicht enger schnallen. Ich leider auch nicht.— Bald
mehr! Inzwischen einen innigen Kuss
Herzl. Gr. an Elsa, Kinder u. die
ALS. [144 796]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document.
[1]Probably similar to Einstein’s letter of one week earlier to Heinrich Zangger (see Vol. 8,
Doc. 471a, in the present volume).
[2]Heinrich Zangger had warned Einstein a few weeks earlier that the household of his Swiss fam-
ily probably could no longer be maintained (see Heinrich Zangger to Einstein, 21 February 1918
[Vol. 8, Doc. 469]). As a result, Einstein probably suggested to his sister, as he had to Anna Besso
(see Einstein to Anna Besso-Winteler, after 4 March 1918 [Vol. 8, Doc. 474]), that Hans Albert board
with Maja and Paul Winteler.
[3]Paul Winteler.
[4]Hans Albert Einstein.
[5]Anna Besso-Winteler, who was Paul Winteler’s sister.
[6]Mileva Einstein-Maric; .
[7]Elsa Einstein.
[8]On the perception that Einstein had insulted Heinrich Zangger, see Vol. 8, Doc. 471b, note 4, in
the present volume.
[9]Penates were the household gods of the ancient Romans.
[10]“May God protect me from my friends; from my enemies, I can protect myself.” A variant of
the Italian proverb “Da chi mi fido, mi guardi Iddio: da chi non mi fido, mi guarderò io” (“May God
protect me from those I trust; from those I don’t, I will protect myself”).
[11]Margherita Azzolini (1881–?) was a school friend of Maja’s in Bern, a scholar of Romance lan-
guages and literature, originally from Verona, Italy (see Rogger 2005, p. 48, and Azzolini 1910).
[12]Eduard Einstein.
[13]From Switzerland at the end of August 1917.
[14]Einstein had been pleased with his weight gain while in Switzerland the previous summer (see
Vol. 8, Doc. 371b, note 7, in the present volume).
[15]Rationing in Switzerland had begun in earnest in February 1917 and was progressively tight-
ened until the end of the war. Consumption of meat was forbidden on Tuesdays and Fridays, as was
the sale of fresh bread in general. In mid-January 1918, butter became a rationed commodity (see Tri-
bolet 1934, vol. 7, p. 479).
[16]Ilse and Margot Einstein, and Rudolf and Fanny Einstein.