LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Illustrations follow p. 376) 1. Einstein lecturing on relativity at the Collège de France, early April 1922. (Courtesy Leo Baeck Institute) 2. Einstein with French physicist Paul Langevin, Paris, April 1922. (Courtesy TopFoto) 3. Menu from festive banquet in honor of Einstein’s visit to Paris, 7 April 1922. Signatures on verso include those of Marie Curie-Sk odowska, Paul Lange- vin, Paul Painlevé. (Courtesy Albert Einstein Archive) 4. Einstein in a war-ruined village in the Dormans region (near Reims), 9 April 1922. (Courtesy L’Illustration) 5. German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau at the Genoa Conference on Economic Reconstruction, 10 April 1922. (Courtesy Ullstein Bild, Granger Collection) 6. Scene of Rathenau’s assassination Berlin-Grunewald, 24 June 1922. (Courtesy Ullstein Bild, Granger Collection) 7. Einstein with Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe, Kiel, early 1920s. (Courtesy Archive of Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH, Kiel, Germany) 8. Einstein and Elsa aboard the SS Kitano Maru en route to Japan, October 1922. (Courtesy the Estate of Kenji Sugimoto) 9. Einstein and Elsa with members of the Singapore Jewish community at the residence of philanthropist Manasseh Meyer, 2 November 1922. (Courtesy Alan Frankel Family) 10. Einstein and Elsa attending dinner at residence of prominent Shanghai painter and entrepreneur Yiting Wang, 13 November 1922. (Courtesy Leo Baeck Institute) 11. Einstein and Elsa at the Koishikawa Botanical Gardens together with mem- bers of the Imperial Academy of Japan, 20 November 1922. (Courtesy Japan Academy) 12. Einstein and Elsa at residence of Kaizo publisher Sanehiko Yamamoto, Tokyo, 22 November 1922. (Courtesy the Estate of Kenji Sugimoto) 13. Einstein and Elsa at a sake drinking party with geishas, Tokyo, possibly 25 November 1922. (Courtesy Leo Baeck Institute)