1 3 6 D O C U M E N T 5 0 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 2 Es ist schade, daß bei diesem Lichtversuch nichts herausgekommen ist.[11] Was machen sie eigentlich mit den Kreiseln. Haben sie die Schwebeeinrichtung schon fertig oder nicht?[12] Was ist eigentlich aus der Eismaschine und ihrer Konkurrentin geworden?[13] Wir merken jetzt ganz gut, daß es auf die Matur zugeht, das Arbeiten bekommt so einen Anstrich von Fertigmachen. Viele Grüße vom Adn. ALS. [144 029]. For Eduard Einstein’s letter appended to the document see the following document. [1]Dated by the fact that this is a reply to Doc. 48, and that Doc. 67 is a reply to this document. [2]Hans Albert was attending the sixth and final year of the Realgymnasium of the Kantonsschule in Zurich. [3]To Kuno Kocherthaler. See the preceding document. [4]Mileva and the boys were given notice to vacate their apartment as the building had been sold and the new owner intended to move in (see Mileva Einstein-Mari to Helene Savic, early 1922 [Milan Popovic, Belgrade]. [73 855]). [5]Einstein’s tongue-in-cheek term for his log cabin in Spandau (see Doc. 67). [6]The sonata in G minor by Giuseppe Tartini for violin and piano, “Devil’s Trill.” [7]Einstein had asked Hans Albert to verify when and by whom these funds had been deposited in the Züricher Kantonalbank (see the preceding document). [8]Wilhelm von Gonzenbach (1880–1955) was Professor of Hygiene at the Eidgenössische Tech- nische Hochschule and a neighbor. [9]Either Lisbeth (1894–1983), or Eva (1896–1942) Hurwitz. [10]Hans Albert had taken up the contrabass a year earlier (see Hans Albert Einstein to Einstein, between 26 December 1920 and 14 March 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 1]) and was president of his school’s orchestra (see Hans Albert Einstein to Einstein, after 1 September 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 311]). [11]In contrast to Einstein’s expectations in 1921, in January 1922 he confessed to Arnold Sommer- feld that the experiment did not refute the wave theory of light (see Doc. 41). [12]The gyrocompass Einstein was working on in Anschütz-Kaempfe’s factory was mounted inside a sphere that was suspended in water within another sphere. The problem to be solved was to find the means of supplying power through the water without damage to the electrodes. For Anschütz’s efforts to find the appropriate material, see Doc. 94. [13]An agreement was concluded with A. Borsig Ltd on testing the Nernst-Einstein cooling process in February 1922 (see Abs. 63). 50. From Eduard Einstein [Zurich, between 12 February and 4 March 1922][1] Lieber Papa! Ich bin jetzt wieder gesund und kann wieder in die Schule gehen.[2] Ich freue mich auch sehr auf den Sommer. Wenn wir dann musizieren können, kann ich Dich auch ein bischen begleiten. Ich kann schon ein Stück von Corelli und ein paar Ga- votten spielen. Viele Grüße von Teddy