500 DOC. 347 PERIL TO GERMAN CIVILIZATION THE PERIL TO GERMAN CIVILISATION By PROFESSOR EINSTEIN [1] [2] Profuser Eiuslcifi, hi/id is (ft modert* jca'rncc 1 tfUnt Ut*ntrhi iüjs in tfic IttJf cctiiutyr has orcn götfd envtigh io onsxvrr ctfltun i}ucs- tiimr on ihe fir**cnt couttilinH of Omtttftty iü/jjVJi tfic liditw subiljji^d lo Ifetiiiers iptil uotc the cerefui Miylc uf *iw cjcacl iltitihcr find witt rcntifc that the n"drJ fro Ml i)fr ii/alAicMl IffCaiit wore tf$an our daily vxttxRcrativUfi* The Questions l.lr.fi 1 'oanft^oii b: wsrifjr/.-I l^lievc Mirtl rtt tlv* tcr4iiFl*+ ltkls in lh fcifi- at |]ae ^dntj iM pcufpli' if te((*r frmii yiiki fyr | a nl i Li j*b - inigfiE hnv ^rent, perh|H ^ U^'Wve, ihiUii)t:c hi jhe relkjni of pubJk c|Aiiioit ID Funky, t tliinlc tlwt the tjiie*li?n?i to svhit:h En^li^h render* ivuufll p^ll'UCld^i-fy like lo Imv iin miMwr cii'f cltitfUy Ihritv : - (1) VV1nI jldf (Pip JflMjl mi UllLMiTBlllVp uf Pp ''iniiiivcriflnHirMi iifff lUn AnmHii'dT I'll) Ip ll lluft lliit lll^ jT llS qf It if. ttiiiMlf rW |iivo bfcrt []| l(nf ilic 44rtru mifflt'licnt nTaiUJ Ilia lcuI iiMmir mil! )ip4|lp nl Llir *dikci'l! Ml M^e tlx miu,r jjnhSlifti juuiplen in troiiuny cutiiic^t ioi wHli Lha nvw ixrvcltyt (5| f Ihr AfNeJ |i4liy nn Rierdiilbn of Lli4 intn-jmT dflDvittlie uf lliu HafmtiJiv! (6) Do qli tliAiYi llie wmnnn |gir rl Ib con- ii)vciitn ul a auOdon iWlilliuijan nl Uic merit! (?) Wnv wir flr*iw (tocfi iJitt M[tfrii?11ca of lE^ttiOfic VTOfitcM liepp foi' i Dcirlv Vi! of* ndal oi'vln iltciij Oi PcquitlUvG guint I think I mny say on behnir nT nil who will the NKW I/UAOKR llmi we will feel cmrwdvca j'nur tf^buir*, ir yo will be ad generouK tut in vpdfc lime |a (iniwr Ibeae quenlioiid,- Sincerely your*, If. I?, UKAiusroKu- The Answer Berlin, September 11, 1922, IH AK Mb- JJUALflirOm,-You linvc been ao klnü ha lg HdOre one or two }ue&liort* la m9 t carding economic conditions it CJermflny, You tell me that you wont an objreLrvc statement about n stole of nfTairi which on^lii, in Nif interests of a return to fi illhy fml||ic nl rata i ion, lo be knmvn lu l fie Eji^liKli public- I Ihmik ymi rnr I he rtin(WlriiLt *1t'nvn tu me Uy ynur r|tjp^tiniisT and will tJiLtfl.tvöur to Cniiftnc (u \vh:t Z cm s tu La ivll)t full cofirlctioii mill ccriuidtyv 1 will jirocifed fltruj^hlu'oy to ji*t,s'er iln lucstion* uic liy one. (1) The ,*alnnt_% of Scholars and lenclicro, CKprevKed la kind, lnvo been continuously rejuccd iu n result nf the ^ituiilion crcntcd liy the Mlir ittid tbfi I'ence Treaty. At pce^ i*ctH ihuy üAiount rtL bast |a 20 pur cant, of l he)C former value, to many ctv e& lo fttr less, 'l'liie cütiin Uc i murti tpg Tor br&ia -worker without fixed Appointment*. Unleninimhrieiit is* nlmo&t univer^nl nnioii(r br^in worker* and ^tudonta, and in nilditlon book hiive become so dear thai the riUqltcLliKil lift luid devetopn^cnt at I he ris- ing (jcntrTilitin suffffr.s eriou^y. The rery KKi^te^ce of tiiifnlific iind firliütie e^peciktlU' theatre- und journftti, In more iud morr Bfitlnn^ercd, iinJ some trnva g~on$ midcr, 1 he ftru^lfi far existence nmonjj- fiiilL-pendcitT artists, miLsiciniis, and wril^rs in da*per:*le, Such conditim^, nlrd Djiccr* nlfy the prpvtutil r^iiscioMS'ie.1-^ uf the "NUturily nf tlr iildivicJujlTrt fltalorkl h*- isicncB, iiit-vi-tniiii. rvKUlt in n mnrkeJ Jn^'^r- lug nf ilie f-stii'titliun in whidi llu public iuld^ prgfephioiiiol wnrh ttnd Ultrf1et:tiinl jjc'liitivertietii^. I am [irmly convinced Ihnl, if ]m jn!!K!i!t ru^teriol coijdTlioiiji ^finliritle or even become uorse, Itrge of ihc so-^nllcO tiid0^ class, v^hich have tlithcrlo Ik) LWc print:tp:il Dource nnd pre server of Ditr intcllcclu^l |er!lP^C| wiJt sink La lite level of the submcr^d iiuitKS' (2) U i* pTnin Hint in Imrd tirtic* thrtt work kvill be rein Lively best plid 'hii:h is essential Lg u.irry qn 4 he c^Oitumic .iL-livitie^ of LllC iviunntiu, bin fhAf x'urk witich directed unly io ihe etmliiHMtioti ud devclopnen( of Rcono* mlc rictivilit-s, ntnJ evco marc to purely cut" ur.il purposes, will SltiTer svriou.sly under (tic piCvuilin^" cniHlil'ln^. Almo^l :d1 inldlcclunl mi ll falls uiidrr (Ik lnLLcr |ic.ld- A culletiy-uc n.Vfiirvd mc on utlC mtusüun that n:ienlilic hmIiii^^ nre now held For lui chen th^a foi^ttrfy, liLi:iiae lli^fc irho iroirld Alleiid ihcn scimjsi/sc uviiil iho expense of lram fans. Th^ |rr il mMJQrily of sludttlUti- sn fr da- fmildtnl ui their Cflftlinjrd Unit study con nilv bt* n ^Rrombiry raxtl]1 llinn- A,- rp^iiulp Icjirlivi , wluit I hiive ütreJitly utiil sibcm! hi aiiI svucktrv in yeilcml Applies to Iticm. (^) ] know llirtl I here nru f,'cocrTl enm- [ikttints rc^tirding ttie ndund procJucLiie 7r intihM il urd bruin orkcrS, bul I dtv iici Lh3iltc tJiat 1 i)m competent In my haw far 1 Iii* iv Llo result at undernnurLfhnTcnL or nf tea i of inability to oblilij) fiimj, pud how fur nf fpurciy poychl]lD|^uil foctom- ThqrU L'ai'I lie no doubl lh kt piapl's energy is A^p)ed by |bc C(NĢcioiljncu khnf under pre- *^enl condiironb it U impossible to provide Ter the future, partly becnusc oF llna instability of mojiey ^'nLum partly beenui oT itift o*- ceedin^ly henvy burden oi tKalien. M'hich i I u'reives prpuC4ially f4) li ijk ii Cnct that many of the politic*) miiritery huve committed by people t who lutve lost tlia niwnns of support us n i'eüutV uf prMrtt conditions, but I should not venture to wy wlwdier unrevogrnblo ecouonictfMdfliots Rr*fvfte responsible for (hp Jnmonlsltl dclfn^rnlidn of pcMicnl titocalw. 'l'lic polilk-^1 intnlernnce of the supiwrlor* of the old i^liti^ i* donbUevx (tid ily due to trüditJon. (S) it m*ist fc admitted thnt the policy or the Allies 1ms (jrjitly tiugiuentvd the dUTi- c^lties of the Republican Government in p:irl cular it has untkrmirved the prestige of Uw Covontment by repented humiliations, in tlic fnce of the whole people. Moreover, cveryunc here knows Him tlic financiut obll- Inid upon the cuunlry cunnut 1 Tut' flllttl til tlicir prc^uui IfL'tkr, evto+i ^vith (lie nlmn^t cicuiliinw All ihirt litin bred In us lUc CO'ivlL'lian liifii flicrc it no liojte of u'orkjn^ our way !y |e^i4*rtujte meniiA out of our pre* HCIPL ^uiTdutn. 1'hiy pnitllyAet economic fLCliv-itifs- and di'U'cs people to v:tde Lucationf kud try to remove their enpital from tlic (Gt live n if we nil mit that Ihe slnhiliüRiiDn of ihe ni^rk ftli^jhl involve certain lempornfy dill'lCUEUes, it cn kCHiecly be doubled that we muAt iry to attain Lath lira Lion in any event und at the enrflcst possible moment. Without ibai it i* impossible *o rcah sitahlc ccatiftrniu cvnditQi$ "J'1a pafticlpalioti uf Heroinn Molcsrtiei nrtd es|jrL rn consulta' linns upon Inlercuiliontil eeanomic relation! ivnuld certainly be desiruble if not Alisuioiely nccessary. 1,7) Ills only us n lay ma that 1 eft anMver jTinr hist qkie*rlion, and, furtlier, u'itli tin Utmont liuaitation. 1 must admit u regret ihht I do not tice lift* lh(r hope nf Individual lniu and the fcxr of ^'nnt could be dif-pen^ed U'ltli aüi moHvew Ftr prducti%'e Wrrrk. lo m_* npinimi ihe ctvnimnnit' en milieu tbe ctnuiDinPL,' klni^'le nf the iudividualj buL citll- nt tlo nieay tyiij it. 1 trust that 1 Jtve itudcnloud all your qncMlonj rightly aitd hwvt nnM-ercd them. -1 remain, yours faithfully, A. EINSTEIN.