4 6 V O L . 7 , D O C . 5 6 b O N H E B R E W U N I V E R S I T Y Notwithstanding the crude political realism of our times and the materialistic at- mosphere in which it has enveloped us there are visible none the less glimmerings of a nobler conception of human aspirations such as were expressed in the part played by the American people in world politics. And so we come from sick and suffering Europe with feelings of hope being convinced that our spiritual aims will command the full sympathy of the American nation and will receive enthusiastic approval and powerful support from our Jewish brethren in the United States. TD (IsJCZA, L12/69). New York Times and New York American, 3 April 1921, p. 5 and pp. 1, 13, re- spectively (with minor changes). [91 392]. [1]Dated on the assumption that it is a draft of the published versions. [2]For details of Einstein’s tour of the United States on behalf of the Zionist Organisation, see Vol. 12, Introduction, pp. xxviii–xxxv. [3]Chaim Weizmann (1874–1952). [4]The Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) was established as the Zionist Organisation’s main instrument for funding Jewish immigration to and settlement in Palestine.