8 2 D O C U M E N T 1 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 2 Mit grösster Hochachtung ergebenst Eberhard Zschimmer. TLS. [24 159]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document. [1]Zschimmer (1873–1940) was a glass metallurgical engineer and board member of Glaswerk Schott & Gen., Jena. [2]Constantin R. Straubel (1880–1937) was Extraordinary Professor of Physics at the University of Jena and board member of Glaswerk Schott & Gen., Jena. [3]For his experiment with a heated glass sheet, see Zschimmer to Einstein, 30 December 1921 (Vol. 12, Calendar). [4]At this point in the original text, Zschimmer indicates a note he added at the foot of the page: “ich besuche ihn nachher.” [5]Ripke-Kühn 1920. Le(o)nore Kühn (1878–1955), a philosopher and journalist, was at the time a member of the Reichsfrauenausschuss der Deutschnationalen Volkspartei (DNVP) and, as of 1921, editor of its Die Deutschnationale Frau (see Scheck 2004, p. 32). The critique of Einstein’s theory of general relativity centers on what the author describes as Ein- stein’s scientific nihilism. His theory is “untenable because it destroys the concept of theoretical re- ality with its relativism, which ultimately must be itself buried by its relativism” (“unhaltbar, weil sie den Begriff der theoretischen Wirklichkeit durch einen Relativismus zerstört, der sie selbst durch ei- nen Relativismus unter seinen Trümmern begraben muss” Ripke-Kühn 1920, p. 4). [6]Einstein 1917a, p. 75 (Vol. 6, Doc. 42, p. 499). [7]See the “Foreword” to Cassirer 1921. [8]Zschimmer 1920. [9]Paul Koebe (1882–1945) was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Jena.