6 1 2 D O C U M E N T 3 9 1 I M P R E S S I O N S I N J A P A N Published in Kaizo 5 (1923): 343–338. A manuscript (Dr. Hiroshi Miyake, Kobe University) [71 716] is also available, written on letterhead “The Kanaya Hotel Nikko, Japan.” He visited Nikko on 7 De- cember 1922. [1]Dated by the reference in Doc. 379. [2]Sanehiko Yamamoto. [3]In the manuscript, “eine” is underlined. [4]The manuscript has “ächter” instead of “echter.” [5]In the manuscript, “steckt” replaces verborgen ist . [6]In the manuscript, “Passagiere” replaces Fahrgä . [7]In the manuscript, a deletion follows “niemals”: auf . [8]In the manuscript, a deletion follows “den”: keine Minute . [9]In the manuscript, “gerührt” replaces bewegt . [10]He arrived on 17 November 1922. [11]In the manuscript, “darauf gerichtet” replaces auf abgestellt . [12]In the manuscript, “der Einfluss” replaces die Macht . [13]In the manuscript, two deletions follow “Schärfe”: macht sie auch bewusster and indem sie das Gefühl . [14]In the manuscript, a deletion follows “Bewusstsein”: tritt . [15]In the manuscript, “gesichert” is repeated. [16]In the manuscript, “Nahrung” replaces Kleidung . [17]In the manuscript, “kann” follows “Allgemeinen.” [18]In the manuscript, “empfindlich gestört” replaces auf den Kopf gestellt . [19]In the manuscript, “muss” is spelled correctly. [20]In the manuscript, “mit ästhetischer Absicht oder Nebenansicht” is missing. [21]In the manuscript, “fein” appears instead of “sehr.” [22]In the manuscript, “alles” appears instead of “alle.” [23]In the manuscript, “nachahmen” appears instead of “nachmachen.” [24]In the manuscript, a deletion follows “nicht,”: sich lieber zu, . [25]In the manuscript, this entire paragraph on Japanese music is missing. Instead, Einstein wrote: “(Über Musik Frau I. diktiert fehlt hier. E.)”. “Frau I.” is probably a reference to Toni Inagaki (see Doc. 379). [26]In the manuscript, “es” follows “was.” [27]In the manuscript, “für mich” follows “liegt.” [28]In the manuscript, “dem Einfluss” is missing. [29]In the manuscript, a deletion follows “erwähnen,”: “ Ich .” [30]In the manuscript, “schwieg ich” replaces nichts sagen ” . [31]In the manuscript, “auf dem” appears instead of “am.” [32]In the manuscript, “liegt mir noch auf dem Herzen” replaces noch muss gesagt werden .