I N D E X 6 4 1
for US lecture tour, 546; on Americans’ opin-
ion of Germans, 545–546; on organizing fi-
nancial aid for German and Austrian
universities, 545–546
Beck, Emil (1881–1965), 79
Becker, Carl H. (1876–1933): 357n, 569c; lec-
tures on problems of education, AE partici-
pates, 431
Becker, Oskar (1889–1964), 260
Beckman, Bengt, 521n
Beer, Fritz, 285
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827): 156,
436n; Mondschein Sonata, 138; Sonata
pathétique, 140; Hans Albert Einstein plays,
Bennett, P. R., on simultaneity of distant events,
Bentheim: 247, 252; Ehrenfest’s violin confis-
cated in, 247
Benzingen: xxxvii, xlvi, 97n, 115n, 118n, 120n,
121, 123n, 128–134, 173n, 203n, 204n, 206n,
208n, 209n, 210–213, 215n, 216n, 330, 337n,
342, 343n, 346, 362, 373, 403n, 418, 420n,
430n, 444–446, 449n, 454, 459, 461, 464,
590c; foot and mouth disease in, 445. See
also Brandhuber, Camillus; Ensingen
Bergmann, Ernst (1881–1945), 260
Bergson, Henri (1859–1941): 368; AE on, 27
Berlin Philharmonic. See Philharmonic Hall,
Berlin: advantages of living in for AE, 27; AE
compares with Zurich, 496; AE considers
leaving, 419; AE declares loyalty to, 209,
210, 213; AE feels close to, 415; AE on stay-
ing in Berlin, 429, 488; scientific life in, 364–
365; proclamation of the republic in, 184; ra-
tioning of clothing in, 48n; AE residences at,
Haberlandstraße, xxxii, 106, 114, 120–121,
131, 133, Wittelsbacherstraße, xxxii, 106,
121, 131n, Ehrenbergstraße 33, 22n. See also
Abbé, F.; Meissners
Berlin, Greater, municipal council of, contrib-
utes to a planned Einstein institute, 570c,
575c, 577c
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, xxxviii
Berliner Tageblatt, xxxviii, xxxix
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942): xxxviii, 275,
419n, 426, 444, 509; on anti-relativists, 382;
on publication of AE’s opinion on Schmidt’s
book, 505–506; proposes new edition of Ein-
stein 1918k, 382; asks for AE’s opinion on
Schneider’s dissertation, 382
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, xxxix
Bern: 224; conference in, 271; AE’s feeling of
loneliness in, 497; Hilbert received call to
University of, 205. See also Guillaume,
Bernays, Paul (1888–1977), 54
Bernheim-Karrer, Jakob (1868–1958), 72, 75
Besso family, 102
Besso, Marco (1843–1920), 135
Besso, Michele (1873–1955): xxxii, 37, 39, 42,
44–45, 48–49, 57, 62, 67–70, 72, 75, 78–79,
81, 83, 98–99, 115, 123–124, 135–137, 142,
153n, 160–161, 164, 171, 175, 175n, 180,
191, 343, 346, 384, 512, 540, 591c; accused
of spending too much on Eduard Einstein’s
hospitalization, 143n; AE on character of, 43,
116; and Anna Besso-Winteler, wedding wit-
nesses of Rosa Winteler, 101n; as good friend
of AE, 44; lectures on patent law at ETH,
188; on AE’s inaugural lecture as a gesture
towards Lorentz, 540; and Guillaume, xlviii;
on Eduard Einstein’s illness, 103; knows
AE’s way of thinking, 384; on himself as
AE’s sounding board, 540; on past and
present, 177; on redshift, 541; on reversibility
and irreversibility of time, 176; on rotating
magnets in general relativity, 354; on Spino-
za, 177; on Weyl’s theory, 176, 354; praised
for intellect and character, 43; praised for
interdisciplinarity, 188; praises Hans Albert
Einstein, 346; prepares to leave for Rome to
work in his uncle’s library, 136; sails with AE
in Zurich, 41; visits AE in Lucerne, 114, 116
Besso, Vero (1898–1962): 103, 135, 151, 153,
349; AE proposes practical work for, 349; de-
fends Anna Besso-Winteler, 151–152; en-
gaged to Lydia Brönnimann, 541; on
character of Maja Winteler-Einstein, 152;
visits AE, 114
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944): xxxii, 63,
98, 116, 128, 136, 148, 150n, 153n, 154, 171;
AE on character of, 116; on AE neglecting his
sons, 90; burdened with work, 102; feelings
regarding Maja Winteler-Einstein, 152; home
of as potential boarding house for Eduard
Einstein, 134; praised by AE for financial