6 4 0 I N D E X
participation in, 267, 268, 277; ignorance of
relativity at, Petzoldt on, 332; Wertheimer
on, 260–261. See also Philosophy; Vaihinger,
Altmann, Victor, proposes prize for essay on rel-
ativity and Als-Ob philosophy, 586c
Amberg, Ernst (1871–1952), 227, 236–237,
Ampère’s molecular currents: AE on, 302; ex-
periment on, 28, 39; literature on, 502
Amsterdam Academy. See Dutch Academy
Andromache, 171n
Anglo-American University Library for Central
Europe, 334
Ansbacher, Julie (1845–1933), 206–207, 210
Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931):
430, 531, 549; AE stays with, xlvi; endow-
ment of, 452; invites AE to stay with him,
458, 531, 533, 544; offers honorarium to AE,
533, 544; experiment on terrestrial magne-
tism, 457–458, 533, 544; on gyrocompass,
457, 533, 543–544; proposes scientific lec-
ture in Munich, 543
Anschütz-Stöve, Reta (1897–1961), 431
Anti-Oorlog-Raad, session in Bern, 36
Anti-relativity meeting at Berlin Philharmonic
Hall. See Philharmonic Hall, Berlin
Appeal in favor of republican constitution, AE
prepared to sign, 242, signs, 574c
Arbeitsgemeinschaft 1920, invites AE to lecture,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Naturforscher
zur Erhaltung der reinen Wissenschaft: 382,
388n, 388, 400n, 401n, 407n, 407, 417n,
418n, 419n, 427n, 452n, 470n, 593c; Hennig
on, 594c
Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940): 486; re-
quests AE’s opinion on Kammerer 1919,
486–487; requests court expert opinion from
AE on legal dispute over Meissner’s patent,
Aristotle, on heredity, 92
Arkad’ev, Vladimir (1884–1953): 603c; on res-
toration of international connections between
scientists, 319
Arkhangelsky, Aleksandr (1877–1926), 418n,
465n, 469n
Arosa (Canton Grisons): 85, 91–92, 100, 103,
103n, 109, 121, 138, 141n, 157n, 158, 167,
181n; De Sitter in, 477, 500; Eduard Einstein
in, xxxiv–xxxv, 84, 86, 91, 92, 98, 99, 102,
104, 105, 136, 139, 144, 145, 181, 185; Fok-
ker in, 287; good for AE’s health, 140, 169
Association for Combating Anti-Semitism: xli,
432; invites AE to join executive board, 597c,
AE declines, 432
Aston, Francis (1877–1945), 365, 513, 524
Astronomy: AE on position for in Halle, 453; AE
urges support for in Germany, 357; daytime
photography of stars, 380; Milky Way, 500;
stellar velocities, 500. See also Freundlich,
Atoms: constitution of, 482; structure of, 303
Aubel, van Edmond (1864–1941), 303n
Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Schweizerische, xxxv
Austrian Academy, Baumgartner Prize, to AE
and Wander de Haas, 91, 106
Axiomatics, Schlick on Reichenbach’s under-
standing of, 454
Azzolini, Margherita (1881–?), 148, 231
Bachem, Albert (1888–1957): xlix, 248–249,
346, 372; on redshift of solar spectral lines,
337, 365
Bad Nauheim, meeting in. See GDNÄ meeting
in Bad Nauheim
Baeyer, Otto von: 606c; requests KWIP funds
for determination of elementary electric
charge, 582c, pending, 589c, granted 609c
Balzac, Honoré de, 160
Bandi, Ernst (?–1906), 101n
Bär, Richard (1892–1940), 296
Barkla, Charles (1877–1944), invited to Solvay
meeting, 303
Barnard Medal, 571c, 575c, 576c, 584c, 591c
Barrows, David, 524n
Barth publishing house. See Publishers
Bartscht, Artur, expresses sympathy for AE,
Battle of the Somme, 43n
Bauer, Otto (1882–1938), solicits signature for
amnesty petition for Hungarian people’s
commissars, 605c
Baumgartner Prize, 91, 106
Baur au Lac, 101, 110n
Bavarian Soviet Republic, 452
Beck, Carl (1864?–?): 545; offers services to AE