6 5 2 I N D E X
Bolshevism: AE on, 387; in Switzerland, AE on
fears of, 306; in Germany, 34n, AE expects
success of, 29; AE on success of, 387; fear of
in Holland, 503. See also Communism
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906), 47, 470
Book Center for German Prisoners of War, Bern,
Book export control in Germany, 605c
Borel, Emile (1871–1956): 537n, 602c, 604c;
and Revue du Mois, 395
Borgius, Walther (1870–1932), on problem of
obtaining scholarly literature in Germany,
Born, Hedwig (1882–1972): 4–5, 142, 205–206,
223n, 226n, 230, 242, 304n, 386, 388, 460,
516, 524n; correspondence with Elsa Ein-
stein, 402n, 597c; on reading Wilhelm Busch,
206; on Strindberg’s Blaubuch, 206; on Tree
of Knowledge, 143, 200, 230; poem on AE’s
rise to fame, 591c; poem on how to obtain a
professorship, 207n; AE on style of, 280
Born, Max (1882–1970): xxx, xlviii, xlix, 4–5,
65n, 86n, 142, 174, 201, 229, 242, 280, 282,
313, 323, 386, 459, 463–464, 515–516, 582c,
611c; on academic policy in Germany, 206n;
as advisor for Mathematische Annalen, 317;
call to Göttingen, 434, 440, 516; chair funded
by Moritz N. Oppenheim, 142; dynamical
theory of crystal lattices, 85n; lectures on
general theory of relativity, 255, 386; letter to
C. H. Becker, 194, 200, 205, 388; newspaper
article on relativity, 255, 280; on Becker’s
educational philosophy, 194; on materialism,
143; on Schlick’s Allgemeine Erkenntnis-
lehre, 204; position for Rausch von Trauben-
berg, 291; requests KWIP funding for
measurement of molecular velocities, vapor
pressure, molecular diffusion, X-ray spec-
troscopy, 571c; substitute lecturer for AE,
Börsen-Verein der deutschen Buchhändler, 605c
Bosch, Carl (1874–1940), 177
Bossard, Konrad(?), 340n
Bouvier, Bernard (1861–1941), and relief for
postwar Poland, 204
Bradt, Gustav (1869–1928), 169n
Bragg lattices, 210
Bragg, William H. (1862–1942), 114, 214
Bragg, William L. (1890–1971), 211n
Brandhuber, Camillus (1860–1931), 129–131,
Brandhuber, Fidelia, 130–131, 133
Brandhuber, Inge, 130–131
Brändli, Hans (1897–?), 192
Bremsstrahlung, 22–23
Brillouin, Marcel (1854–1948), 113
Briner, Emile (1879–?), 303n, 315, 329
Britain, relief work for Viennese children, 311
British Association for the Advancement of Sci-
ence, annual meeting of, xxxv, 167n, 186
British press, on eclipse results, 243
Brock, Johannes A. van den, 502
Brodetsky, Selig (1888–1954), 255n
Brodnitz, Julius (1866–1936), 490
Brose, Henry (1890–1965), 320n, 336, 347n,
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (1881–1966),
333, 352
Brownian motion. See Svedberg, The
Bryce Report 1915, 43n
Buber, Martin (1878–1965), 241n, 353n, 558c
Buddha, 326
Bund “Neues Vaterland”: 33n, 203n, 314n,
565c; spring 1919 appeal against civil war,
Bund Deutscher Gelehrter und Künstler, 357
Bund für Mutterschutz, 203n
Bund für proletarische Kultur, 299n
Burgers, Johannes (1895–1981), 145, 150, 502
Bürgerwehr, 60
Burghold, Julius (1860–1923), 514, 533, 605c
Burke, Edmund (1729–1797), 79
Busch, Wilhelm (1832–1908), Hedwig Born on,
Büsching, Carl, requests funds for publishing his
book, 580c
Byk, Suse, photo of AE by, 588c
Byland, Arthur, 129n
Byland, Hans, correspondence with Frieda Hu-
ber, 129n
Cairo, American University in, 213n
Cairo University, 213n
Cambridge University Press, 328n, 390–391,
Campbell, William (1862–1938), 157–158
Capacities and dielectric constants, research on,
funded by KWIP, 560c