I N D E X 6 5 3
Carathéodory, Constantin (1873–1950), 267,
352, 417n, 434
Carl Zeiss Works, 207
Carling, Viggo, 584c, 586c
Carnot, Lazare (1753–1823), 334n
Cartel of German Academies. See Kartell der
deutschen Akademien
Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945), 71, 510, 169n
Cathode rays, 292
Cauer, Minna, 34n
Causality: 388; Carl Stumpf’s theory of, 261;
Drill on, 280
Celestial bodies, emission of radiation, AE on,
Central Association of German Citizens of the
Jewish Faith. See Central-Verein deutscher
Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens
Central European Catholic confederation, 93n
Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen
Glaubens: 169n, 489, 494, 609c; invites AE
to fight against anti-Semitism, 490; on anti-
Semitic campaigns in Germany, 489; request-
ed information on AE, 490n
Charge density, in five-dimensional theory, 57n
Charge, specific, determination of, 292
Charité Hospital, 387
Chavan-Perrin, Lucien, 341n
Chemical constants, 470
Chemical-Physical Society, Vienna: 276; invites
AE to lecture, 298
Chinese: AE on, 16; blamed, 79; mentality of,
Christiaan Huygens Society for Scientific Stu-
dents, Leyden, 228n
Christian Socialist Party, Austria, 437n
Christiania. See Oslo
Christoffel symbols, 209n
Clarté movement: 103n, 375; German branch,
314, 328, AE on, 331, 450, AE’s involvement
with, 321; Lawson on, 346, 406; Schlick’s in-
terest in, 450
Claudel, Paul, 392n
Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 472n
Clemenceau, Georges (1841–1929), 387, 389n
Clinic Rosenau, 118n, 139, 219, 572c
Coal shortage: in Berlin, 130, 139; in France,
281; in Germany, 148n, 200n; in Zurich, 3n,
Coebergh, J. A. F., 416n, 504n
Coenen, Hermann (1875–1956): 534; congratu-
lates AE, 229
Cohen, Hermann (1842–1918), 168n
Cohn, Emil (1854–1944), 14–15
Cohn, Hans, decries uproar at AE’s lecture, 422–
Colin, Paul (1890–1943), 351, 589c
Collège de France, 172n
Commission on succession of Emil Fischer,
members, 488n
Communism: riots in Zurich, 94n. See also Bol-
Conservation laws: in general relativity, 36; in
quasi-spherical closed universe, 100–101
Cornelius, Hans W. (1863–1947), 45n
Cosmogonic hypotheses, H. Poincaré on, 467n
Cosmological considerations, 117–118
Cosmological constant: 117, 263; and closed
versus open universe, Fokker on, 111; and
globular star clusters, 233n
Cosmological problem: xli, 293; in five-dimen-
sional theory, 39, 76
Cosmological term. See Cosmological constant
Cosmology, boundary conditions at infinity, 403
Coster, Dirk (1889–1950), 221
Cottingham, Edwin T., xxxiii, xxxv
Council of Intellectual Workers. See Rat geisti-
ger Arbeiter
Courant, Richard (1888–1972): 240, 352; and
Jewish matters, 222
Covariance, general: 248, 267; in five dimen-
sions, 56
Crommelin, Andrew (1865–1939), xxxiii, xxxiv
Crookes, William (1832–1919), 48n, 49
Crystal lattices, dynamical theory of, 85n
Crystal structure: 570c, 582c; study by X-rays,
Cunningham, Ebenezer (1881–1977), 261
Curie, Marie (1867–1934), 171, 224–225
Czech University of Prague, 462n
d’Annunzio, Gabriele (1863–1938), 210
da Vinci, Leonardo (1452–1519), 314
Dällenbach, Walter (1892–1990): xlviii, 40n, 99,
159, 169, 190, 294n, 389n; and Swiss poli-
tics, 189–190; congratulates AE, 190; plans
book on Maxwell theory, 160
Dann, Walter (1991–?), 130n, 139n