I N D E X 6 5 1
Bassewitz, Gerdt von (1878–1923), 360n
Bataafsche Genootschap der Proefondervinde-
lijke Wijsbegeerte: 133n; AE invited to mem-
bership in, 234n, 572c
Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy.
See Bataafsche Genootschap der Proefonder-
vindelijke Wijsbegeerte
Bauch, Bruno (1877–1934), 76n
Bavaria: Soviet Republic, xliv, 30; Laue fights
against, 60; union with Austria, 92
Bayrischer Schützenkorps, Laue joins, 60
Becher, Erich (1882–1929), 45n
Beck, Emil (1881–1965), 7n, 16, 57
Becker, August (1879–1953), 74
Becker, Carl H. (1876–1933): 196n, 205, 217,
269n, 475, 589c, 600c, 604c, 605c; and aca-
demic policy in Germany, 206n; and Geodet-
ic Institute, 194; on state funding for general
relativistic research, 275n; and physics pro-
fessorship at University of Bonn, 194
Beckmann, Ernst, 488n
Behrens, Peter, 350n, 481
Belgian Freemasons, against atrocities by Ger-
man Army, 54n
Belgian intellectuals, help private commission to
investigate German war crimes, 120
Benndorf, Hans (1879–1953), 393n, 399
Benzingen (Germany), 129n, 133n, 574c
Berger, Julius (1863–1948): xlvi, 153, 181n,
193, 213n, 222n; on AE’s interest in Zionism,
Bergmann, Else Fanta (1886–1969), 212, 222,
Bergmann, Ernst (1881–1945), 45n
Bergmann, Hugo (1883–1975): xlvi, 153n, 181n,
222, 240, 316n, 352, 364, 582c; invites Cou-
rant, Ehrenfest, Epstein, Landau to Basel
conference on Hebrew University, 240; on
AE’s time in Prague, 211; on requirements
for Hebrew University, 211–212, 240; solic-
its statement on founding of Hebrew Univer-
sity from AE, 365, 601c
Berligne, Bella, 353n
Berlin: child mortality rates, 498; economic dep-
rivation, 498; postwar hardship, 130, 139,
252, 486; strikes, 130n
Berlin newspapers, and eclipse expedition of
1919, 238n
Berliner Tageblatt: abandonment of pacifism
during the war, 28n; AE on, 28, 306; political
perspectives, 29n. See also Wolff, Theodor
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), xxxiv, 31–32,
156, 157n, 252, 258, 386, 388n, 472, 614c
Bernoulli, August-Leonhard (1879–1939): 301,
315, 329; AE on, 487
Berufsamt für Akademiker E. V., 610c, 611c
Besso, Michele (1873–1955): 74n, 79, 129n,
130n, 293, 340n, 342, 374n, 486–487, 500,
530; Buddhist character of, 326; intends to
join a monastery, 161, 170; intends to return
to Swiss Patent Office, 190, 293, 326; un-
worldliness of, 170n; visit to Zurich in fall
1919, 190
Besso, Vero, 294n
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 4n, 294,
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, 13n
Bible, 143
Bibliothèque Nationale, 284
Bie, Oskar (1864–1928), 392
Bieberbach, Ludwig (1886–1982), 142
Biological selection, 506. See also Kammerer,
Bjerrum bands, 457
Blanck, Anton (1881–?), 285
Blaschke, Wilhelm, invites AE to lecture at Uni-
versity of Hamburg, 616c
Blasius, Heinrich (1883–1970), 123
Blau (Osramwerke), 462, 464
Bleier, August (1882–1958), support for Eugen
Leviné, 71
Bloch, Werner (1890–1973), 115, 235, 520,
Blockade. See Germany; Russia
Blok, Petrus J., 321n
Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), meets with AE
181n, 193
Blumenthal, (?), 434n
Blumenthal, Otto (1876–1944), 317, 449, 591c,
602c. See also Mathematische Annalen
Blumer, Dietrich, 139n
Bohlin, H., 556c, 560c, 567c, 570c
Bohr, Niels (1885–1962): xlix, 15, 16n, 22, 110,
165, 166n, 216, 228, 351, 598c, 614c; atom
model, xlviii, 18, 75, 112, 124, 223n, 237,
369n, 458n, 459; enthusiam for AE, 351; on
AE’s radiation theory, 390n; visit to Leyden,