6 5 4 I N D E X
Dann-Böhm, Elsa Maria (1897–?), 30, 129, 131,
147, 171, 219
Danzig. See Gdan;sk
Darmstaedter, Ludwig (1846–1927), 283–284
Däubler, Theodor, 610c, 611c
David, Eduard, 515n
Davidson, Charles R., xxxiii
Debye, Peter (1884–1966): xlviii, 7, 24n, 149n,
150n, 192, 197, 214, 215n, 290, 302n, 312,
318, 354n, 408, 440, 460n, 463, 502, 513,
516, 559c, 566c, 570c, 596c; corresponding
member of PAW, nominated, 410, elected,
605c; ETH appointment, 268, 292, 301, 303,
305, 312, 326, 339, 382, 403, 449, 451;
leaves University of Göttingen, 317, 434
Debye–Scherrer experimental setup, 23, 61
Debye–Sommerfeld theory of dispersion,
Epstein on, 197
Dehlinger, Walter (1889–?), 386, 447
Dehmel, Richard, 558c
Delbrück, Hans, xliv, 17n, 551c
Demokratischer Klub, 574c, 576c
Des Coudres, Theodor (1862–1926), 349, 360
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 388
Dessau, (?), 434n
Deussen, Paul (1845–1919), 76n
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, 203n
Deutsche Gasglühlicht Aktiengesellschaft: 12;
AE shareholder of, 126n, 148n, 214, 463,
551c, 576c
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auslandsbuchhandel:
425n, 465; for restoration of German book
trade, 424; requests statement from AE, 424–
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mutter- und Kindes-
recht, 203n
Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund, 34n
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG):
20n, 64; AE elected member of executive
committee, 565c; Laue presents eclipse expe-
dition results, 602c; new journals of, 297,
309n–310n, 312, 353, 354n, 470n, 585c,
586c, 589c, 590c, 592c, Wien opposes, 297
Deutsche Studentenschaft, 179n
Deutsche Tageszeitung, attacks on Nicolai, 384
Deutsche Zeitung: 602c, 612c; anti-Semitism of,
Deutscher Bund für Mutterschutz, 34n
Deutscher Monistenbund, 34, 347–348
Deutscher Schutzbund für die Grenz- und Aus-
landsdeutschen, 349–350
Deutsches Museum: 594c; elects AE board
member, 602c
Diatomic molecules, rigidity of, 459
Die zwölf Bücher, 321
Diels, Hermann, 515n
Dieterici, Conrad H. (1858–1929), 74–75
Diffraction theory, Kottler on, 373, 436
Dingler, Hugo (1881–1954), 529
Dispersion, anomalous in solar atmosphere as
explanation of redshift, 267, 272, 287, 470
Displacement law, of Sommerfeld, 21n
Dissociation theory, quantum theoretical, 470
Divorce proceedings, 1919, 82n, 306
Dominik, Hans (1872–1945), 395
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821–1885): 415, 487,
503; Karamazov Brothers, AE enjoys, 498
DPG. See Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
Drag, of sphere in fluid, 221
Drill, Robert: 280, 282n, 323; debate with
Schlick, 282n, 313; “proof” of principle of
energy from sausage, 313
Droste, Johannes (1886–1963), 110, 145, 150
Duane, William, 237
Duhamel, Georges (1884–1966), 322
Dukas, Helen (1896–1982), 485n
Dumont, 558c
Dutch Israelite Seminary, 288n
Dutch Zionist League, 249n
Dyson, Frank W. (1868–1939): xxxiii–xxxv,
138n, 199n, 244; notice on eclipse results,
236; proposes eclipse expedition, 32
East European Jewish students: 231n; courses
for, xlvii, 523
East European Jews, in Germany, 327n
Ebert, Friedrich (1871–1925), 4n
Ebner, (?), official registrar, 84
Eclipse expedition of 1914, xxxii, 263–264, 305
Eclipse expedition of 1918, xxxii, 157–158
Eclipse expedition of 1919: xxxiii–xxxvi, 236,
262, 285, 292–293, 346, 408, 526, 568c; al-
ternative explanations of positive result,
xxxvi; British debates on results of, 474n;
funding, 273; German press coverage of, 404;
Lorentz’s telegram to AE on, 180; no news
about results of, 98, 116, 147, 154; organized
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