I N D E X 6 5 5
by Dyson, 244; photos taken, 91, 94, 137,
138n; popular enthusiasm at results of, 262,
326; positive influence on reconciliation of
German and English scientists, 263; positive
results, 199, 218–219, 232, 236, 243, 246,
255, 262, 295, 305; preliminary positive re-
sults, 167, 170, 186; preparation for, 31–32,
64; results presented at DPG, 602c. See also
École Polytechnique, 333
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944): xxxiii–
xxxvii, xxxix, li, 167, 182, 195, 199n, 262,
264, 304, 311, 369, 390n, 401, 408, 479, 498,
577c, 599c; and eclipse expedition, 201; as
Quaker, 378n; debates on eclipse expedition
results, 474n; interest in general relativity,
244; invites AE, 370, 408; on German-British
scientific collaboration, 307n; on Gold Medal
affair, 369–370; on gravitational light deflec-
tion, 32; on positive result of eclipse expedi-
tion, 216; on preliminary positive result of
eclipse expedition, 186; on Weyl’s theory,
113n, 263; stellar theory of, 13
Eeden, Frederik van (1860–1932), 322
Ehrenberg, Viktor G. (1851–1929): 242; on AE
as German and Jew, 243
Ehrenfest, Anna (1910–1979): 146, 227; draw-
ing of AE welcoming eclipse results, 246,
Ehrenfest, Anna and Tatiana, violins for, 267,
288–289, 316, 334n, 353, 402, 456–457, 471,
Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933): xxx, xxxviii, xlix,
l, 15, 30n, 43n, 55, 55n, 101n, 129n, 139n,
152, 154, 171–172, 181, 181n, 195, 197,
203n, 216, 218, 221n, 221, 227, 255n, 263n,
266, 272, 286, 289, 315, 321, 332, 339, 352,
355, 360n, 362, 364n, 413, 422n, 456, 481,
497, 500, 507, 523, 578c
advice on pamphlet of AE’s inaugural lec-
ture, 371, 414, 469–470, 501–503
on AE: being called “Jewish Newton,” 287;
arithmetical miscalculation by, 414; diet,
165; health, worries about, 182; full pro-
fessorship for AE at University of Ley-
den, 145, 150–151, 164
is against mass actions, 248
aiding young Russian scientists, 153
anarchistic views of, 237
anti-Semitism, on efforts to fight against, 287
asked for newspaper article on relativity, 246
atheism of, 288n
being depressed, 286
on Bohr, 216
call to Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 152
on collected articles of AE, 371, 414
on cynicism, 416
Dutch copies of AE’s inaugural lecture, 615c
efforts on behalf of Paul Epstein, 333–334,
344, 470, 487, 498
and Hebrew University, 222, 240, 287, 316,
332–333, 352
on Herglotz, 415
on historical development of theory of rela-
tivity, 247
on his identity as Jew, 287
invites AE to Leyden, 15, 151, 183
on literature about Jewish life, 415
on mediating between Russian and Western
European science, 153
on northern German self-confidence, 415
organizational talents of, 228n
piano for, 315, 334n, 352, 376, 402, 413
on political unrest and Jewish unity in Eu-
rope, 416
popular lectures on relativity by, 468
on revolution in Europe, 416
on special professorship for AE at University
of Leyden, 165, 371, 503
about superconductivity, 504
on Zionism, 248
Ehrenfest, Paul jr. (1915–?), 146, 227
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876–1964), 146, 216, 227,
248, 316, 457
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), xl, 227, 413
Ehrenfest, Wassily (1918–1933), 146, 227, 248
Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952): 7, 276, 298, 340n,
365, 367, 369, 393, 397–399, 413, 428, 436,
440–441; candidacy at University of Vienna,
398– 400, 461; invites AE to Vienna, 133n,
586c; offers AE his home to room, 277; on
application for KWIP funds, 73; research on
photophoresis, 252
Ehrler, Hans H. (1872–1951), 70n
Einstein equations, solution of, 403n
Einstein, Abraham (1808–1868), 294n
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