6 7 6 I N D E X
in Zurich, 130
Winternitz, Josef (1896–1952), 332, 341
Wirtinger, Wilhelm (1865–1915), 38
Wirtschaftshilfe der deutschen Studentenschaft,
Amerika-Werkstudenten-Dienst, solicits let-
ter of recommendation to American compa-
nies, 595c
Wittelsbacherstraße. See Berlin: Wittelsbacher-
Wittig, Hans, writes book on space and time in
psychology, 245
Wöhlisch, Edgar (1890–1960): 482; on molecu-
lar volume, 467
Wohlwend, Mrs. Max, 528
Wohlwend-Battaglia, Maria (1879–1980), 167
Wolf, Max (1863–1932): 427; expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 400; approached by Weyland for
anti-relativity lecture, 400; on Weyland’s
misusing his name, 400, 408
Wolff, Heinrich (1875–1949), 260
World War I, outbreak of, 25n
Wostok publishing house. See Publishers
Zagreb, 14n
Zangger, Gertrud, 145n, 154
Zangger, Gina (1911–2005), xxix
Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1957): xxix–xxxvii,
12, 20–22, 24, 28, 31, 33–35, 37, 39, 42, 44–
45, 47–50, 54–55, 57, 64, 66, 68, 71, 78–80,
83–84, 86–89, 91, 97–98, 103, 112, 116, 119,
125, 129, 133, 135, 136–137, 140, 143, 145,
148, 151n, 158, 160, 164, 170n, 178–179,
190, 196n, 196, 201–202, 218, 229, 278, 317;
and family, Hans Albert Einstein boards with,
236; appointment as full professor, 16; at the
Riviera, 238; depressed, 19; diagnoses AE
with duodenal ulcer, 108; diagnoses AE with
high blood pressure, 102; Eduard Einstein,
takes care of, 56; Elsa Einstein, on cause of
illness of, 191; Einstein, Hans Albert, takes
care of, 56, 79, 81, 85, 236; Pauline Einstein,
examines, 201, 209, 215, uncertain about
cancer of, 207–208; examines AE, 99, 100,
103; helps AE’s Swiss family, 142; hopes for
position in Paris, 17; illegibility of handwrit-
ing of, 27, 107; intervenes on behalf of Weyl,
317; modesty of, AE on, 92; on AE’s neglect-
ing his sons, 90; on Born 1920a, 513; on Born
1922c, 513; on conditional sentencing, 318;
on Mileva Einstein-Maric; , 102; on
Freundlich 1916a, 513; on Sommerfeld 1919,
513; on use of spectrography in forensic med-
icine, 317–318; organizes conference on
probability, xxxiii; pays expenses for Eduard
Einstein’s sanatorium, 126; problems with
colleagues, 83, 85; proposes drinking cure for
AE, 70; raises fund for guest lecturers, 513;
recruits AE, Debye for Zurich, 317; role in
AE’s appointment to the ETH in 1911, xxxiii;
sends food packages for AE, 70, 73–74, 76,
93; sensitivity, AE on, 24; suffers from peri-
ostitis, 79; takes care of Hermann Weyl’s
treatment for tuberculosis, 512; takes drink-
ing cure in Tarasp, 114, invites AE, 119; vis-
its AE in Lucerne, 107; visits AE in Prague,
17; visits patients in Prague, 17
Zangger-Mayenfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981),
12n, 86, 100
Zangger-Müller, Rosine, 25n
Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943): xlv, 275n, 268n,
277, 475; curator of AE’s Leyden professor-
ship, 366; invited to 1921 Solvay meeting,
Zeitler’s Studienhaus-Zusatz-Stiftung, invites
AE to attend session, 603c
Zentralkomitee für das ärztliche Fortbildungs-
wesen in Preußen, invites AE to lecture, 599c
Zerner, Fritz (1895–1951), 295
Zernike, Frits (1888–1966), 53n
Zero-point energy: 499; for rotational motion,
356n, 443
Zionist Student Association of Eastern Galicia,
expresses sympathy for AE, xl, 463; on AE
and Hebrew University, 463
Zopf, Elisabeth, 593c
Zugersee, Switzerland, 41
Zuidersee, The Netherlands, AE’s and Lorentz’s
walk along, 52
Zuoz (Canton Grisons), 164
Zürcher, Emil, Jr. (1877–1937): xxxvi, 37, 45,
49, 141, 155, 156n, 157–160, 164–165, 179,
181, 217, 229, 497–498; on divorce contract
of AE and Mileva, 147; praised by AE, 44;
prepares divorce contract, 150; solicits photo
from AE, 445
Zürcher, Richard (1911–1982), 345
Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna (1873–1939): 45–46,
49; praised by AE, 44
Zurich: AE compares with Berlin, 496; free air
in, AE on, 19
Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942): xxxix; expresses
sympathy for AE, 392–393; on statement of
sympathy for AE, 434