I N D E X 6 7 5
Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943): 268, 289n; ad-
vises AE not to participate in “Als-Ob confer-
ence,” xlv, 260–261
West, Andrew Fleming (1853–1943), on AE’s
financial demands for his US lecture tour,
Westerdijk, Johanna (1883–1961), visited by
AE, 224
Wettstein, Richard (1863–1931), 323n
Weyl, Helene, 197, 279n
Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955): 67, 202, 203, 207,
276, 317, 346, 354, 481, 540, 541, 587c,
591c; Hamiltonian of, AE on, 62; ill with
asthma, 198; invited by University of Berlin,
284, AE on, 278; invited by University of
Göttingen, AE on, 279; leaves University of
Zurich, 154; unified field theory of, 161,
measuring-rod objection against, 294n, 347–
348; planned lecture of at GDNÄ meeting in
Bad Nauheim, 305; redshift and theory of,
Weyland, Paul (1888–1972): xxxviii–xli, 400,
401n, 408, 419n, 419, 427, 436n, 449, 449n,
452, 460; at Berlin Philharmonic Hall, 383n,
386n, 389, 395n, 461n, 593c; approaches
Ehrenhaft for anti-relativity lecture, 422,
423n; approaches Julius for anti-relativity
lecture, 406–407; approaches Wolf for anti-
relativity lecture, 400; first attack on AE,
Wichmann, Ottomar (1890–1973), 260
Widow pension, for Mileva Einstein-Maric; , 142,
146–147, 567c
Wiechert, Emil (1861–1928), 62
Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928): xxxix, 18n, 40n,
427n, 428n, 435n, 471; AE compares with
Lenard and Moszkowski, 468
Wiener Akademischer Monistenbund, expresses
sympathy for AE, 597c
Wiener Freiheitliche Studentenschaft, expresses
sympathy for AE, 597c
Wiener, Otto H. (1862–1927), 456
Wilamovitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848–
1931), 395
Wilhelm II, German Emperor (1859–1941),
1916 Easter Message of, 97n
Wilhelmina, Queen of Holland (1880–1962),
confirms AE as corresponding member of
Academy, xlv, 268n, 600c
Willigens, Charles, 421
Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924), 347
Winchester, George, on producing hydrogen,
Windtunnel test, of AE’s airfoil, 106n
Winteler, Matt (1878–1934), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 401
Winteler, Paul (1882–1952): xxxii, xxxiv, 62,
110, 112, 123, 144, 147–148, 153n, 169–170,
182, 185n, 187, 196, 215, 224, 267, 402; op-
poses Pauline Einstein’s move to Berlin, 235;
defends Maja Winteler-Einstein’s character,
266–267; denies rumors of marital problems,
231; disappointed by AE’s cancellation of
visit to Lucerne, 170; hobbies of, 216; offers
AE advice in financial matters, 507–509; on
birthday of Maja, 182; on financing Pauline’s
move to Berlin, 234–235; on food package
for AE, 188; on leaving Lucerne, 507; on
Pauline’s estate, 266–267; on publication of
Einstein 1917a with better financial condi-
tions, 508; on quarrel between AE and Anna
Besso-Winteler, 171; SAG shares, 216, 231,
234, 507, 510, 567c; praised by AE, 121; pro-
poses Swiss lakes to AE for sailing, 170; re-
tires, 507, 510; tours with Hans Albert
Einstein in the Alps, 110, 111
Winteler, Peter (1886–1963), 168
Winteler, Rosa (1875–1962), wedding of, AE as
witness on, 101
Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951): xxxi,
xxxiv–xxxv, 41, 83, 84, 90, 99, 107, 110,
111, 112, 130n, 144, 146, 147, 151n, 153n,
168, 171, 215, 218, 229, 231, 267, 281, 507,
540; and Paul Winteler, 119, as model of har-
monious life, AE on, 100, 117, 121; praised
by AE for hospitality, 114; as prospective
host for Hans Albert Einstein, 81, 147, 149; at
Filzbach primary school, 168–169, 186;
birthday of, 182; character of, Vero Besso on,
152; disappointed by AE’s cancellation of
visit to Lucerne, 169; feelings about Anna
Besso-Winteler, 152; on AE’s popularity,
230; on AE’s and Elsa Einstein’s children,
169; on hiring nurse for Pauline Einstein’s
move to Berlin, 229–230; on Pauline Ein-
stein’s last months, 511; on rumors about AE
leaving Berlin, 402; on Paul Winteler’s re-
tirement, 510; plays piano, 123; press cam-
paign against, 402; proposes moving Pauline
to Berlin, 218; reads Einstein 1917a, 230;
sends food package for AE, 169, 187; takes
care of Pauline Einstein, 195–196; visits AE
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