I N D E X 9 3 1 royalties for and Dutch salary, 134 Einstein 1917a, 787a, 790a,798a 811a, 816a, 817a Einstein 1920j, 797a, 795a, 812a Einstein 1921c, 795a, 797a Einstein 1922c, 787a, 796a, 803a, 805a Einstein 1922m, 468, 822a from Gauthier-Villars, 132 Methuen, 132, 447, 800a Lorentz et al. 1922, 797a, 795a planned Japanese collection of papers, 213 two small books, 784a SAG shares, income from, 477 leaves to EE and daughters, 737 salary as professor, 786a supports Swiss family, 31 Winteler-Einstein, Maja, money for help in ill- ness of, 202, 209 INVITATIONS FROM Anschütz, to Kiel, 193, 342, 377, 750 to Mu- nich, 131 Auswärtiges Amt, to join cultural advisory committee, 824a Barclay, for lunch, 197, 204, 207, 218 Borel, for dinner, 197, 204 Bund Zeichnender Künstler Deutschlands in the U.S., declines to sign proclamation, 810a Columbia University, for professorship, 724 Conseil de la Société des Nations, for Commit- tee on Intellectual Cooperation, 308, 321– 322 Courant, to play music for Hilbert, 85, 91 Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund, to German Pac- ifist Congress, 818a Eclipse expedition, Dutch-German, declines participation, 281, 310, 801a, 806a propos- es substitute, 309 Ehrenfest, 26 Ferrière and Reverdin, to 3d International Con- gress on Moral Education, 813a French scientists, Planck on, 164 Gesellschaft der Freunde der Jerusalem-Biblio- thek in Berlin, to join, 820a Goldschmidt, to lecture, 793a Groupement intellectuel socialiste, 796a Hopf, to Aachen, 224, 798a Kármán, to Aachen, 224 Karr-Krüsi, to Mayenbühl, 496 Langwerth von Simmern, to lunch, 829a Ligue des droits de l’homme, declines, 166 Ligue pour la defense des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 182 Loeb, to longer visit in U.S., 495, 519 Mexican government, to take part in eclipse ex- pedition, 725, 829a Nansen, to join editorial board of Nansen- Komitee für die Kinderhilfe in den Hunger- distrikten Russlands, 809a, 810a Ostwald, to join Kolloidchemische Gesell- schaft, declines, 813a Société française de chimie physique, to dine with, 201 Société française de philosophie, 182 Voûte, to participate in solar eclipse expedi- tion, 133, 201 Westphal, to join committee to help Russian scientists, 351 Winteler-Einstein, Maja, to Florence, 477, 734 INVITATIONS TO LECTURE AT/IN Association of Catalan Doctors in Spain, 824a Bataafsch Genootschap, 812a, 437 Batavia and Bandung, 133, 201n Brussels, 792a China, 613 Collège de France, 16, 145, 155–156, 161–162, 182, 188, 191, 196–197, 200, 204, 217, 254 GDNÄ 1922 centenary meeting, 201, 213, 281, 324, 392, 434, 437, 469, 471, 473 German-Chinese Engineering School, 823a Institut des Hautes Etudes, 796a,798a, 800a, 803a International Institute of Sociology (Torino), declines, 785a Japan, 86 proposes changes in contract of, 213 Kolloidchemische Gesellschaft, 813a, 814a declines, 430, 813a Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig, 787a, 788a, 789a, 791a Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrenkundige Ver- eeniging, 133 Rotterdamsch Natuurkundig Genootschap, 437a, 812a
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