I N D E X 6 7 3
Swinne, Johannes Richard (1885–1939), 19n
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH):
22, 25, 29, 154, 257n, 591c; AE’s appoint-
ment at, xxxiii, 20n
Swiss Liberal Democratic Party, 187n
Swiss School Council, nominates AE for profes-
sorship at ETH, 17
Swiss Social Democratic Party, 184n
Swiss Telegraph Administration, 15
Swiss Trade Union Federation, 184n
Switzerland: coal shortage in, 138, 140, 141n,
predicted, 118; economic situation in, 57;
food supply in, 106, 138, 149n, AE on, 98;
general strike in, xxxv, 182–187; influenza
in, 181, 187; proportional election intro-
duced, 187; Swiss politicians for separate
peace between Germany and Russia, 184n
Tägliche Rundschau, xxxviii
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861–1941), 417
Talmey, Max, 571c
Tammann, Gustav (1861–1938): 12, 13n; on
isomery of mixed crystals, 499
Tandler, Julius (1869–1936), 423
Tank, Franz, 284n, 298n
Tanner, Hans (1886–1961), as prospective edu-
cator of Hans Albert Einstein, 81
Tarasp, drinking cure for AE in, 70, 91, 103,
postponed, 108, recommended, 100, 102
Tassel, Émile, 304n
Technische Nothilfe, Fritz Haber on, 450–451
Technology, AE on rapid development of, 26
Teleky, Pál Count (1879–1941), 489
Tensor calculus, Besso on, 540
Terwin, Johanna (1884–1962), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 392–393
Thermodynamics: and kinetic gas theory, 54;
compared to relativity theory, 120; evapora-
tion heat, 18; heat conductivity, 54; mechan-
ical equivalent of heat, 62; Nernst’s heat
theorem, 485, 499, 548; of mixtures, 484;
perpetuum mobile, 120; properties of radia-
tion, 5; second law of, 15, 54, 120n, 499; spe-
cific heat of hydrogen, 443
Thimig, Helene (1889–1974), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 392–393
Thirring, Hans (1888–1976): 296, 322, 323n; op-
poses Felix Ehrenhaft as Franz Exner’s suc-
cessor, 580c; candidate for chair of
theoretical physics at University of Hamburg,
613c, AE on, 547
Thoms, Hermann (1859–1931), invites AE to
lecture at German Pharmacological Society,
589c, declined, 598c
Thomson, Joseph J. (1856–1940), invited to
1921 Solvay meeting, 303
Thought experiment, to illustrate Ehrenfest para-
dox, 13n
Thüringen 115, 119, 124, 130–132
Time, direction of, 54
Ting, W. S., invites AE to lecture at University of
Peking, 598c
Tobler, Josephine (1879–1959): 196n, 216, 230;
discusses Pauline Einstein’s condition with
Heinrich Zangger, 218; proposes moving
Pauline to Berlin, 218
Tolstoy, Leo (1828–1910), 56
Tosa River, Italy, 171n
Tower telescope: 571c, 577c, 582c; in construc-
tion, 372; permission to build, 571c; spec-
trograph for, state fund for, 601c
Treitschke, Heinrich von (1834–1898), 56
Troeltsch, Ernst (1865–1923), 481n
Trowbridge, Augustus (1870–1934): 494, 496;
invites AE to US, 493; on AE invitations to
US, 612c; on AE’s financial demands for his
US lecture tour, 524n
Troy (Ancient), 171n
Tübingen, University of, xlii
Twain, Mark (1835–1910), book for Eduard by,
Ullstein publishing house. See Publishers
Unified field theory: AE on limits of continuum
description of reality, 592c; gravitation and
electromagnetism, 62; of Hermann Weyl, AE
on, 161, 347–348, and redshift, 346, Michele
Besso on, 540–541; overdetermination, AE
on, 495; Weyl on in Bad Nauheim, 305;
Weyl, AE’s measuring rod objection, Walter
Dällenbach on, 591c
United States of Europe, AE on, 437
University of Basel, invites AE to lecture, 602c,
postponed, 606c
University of Berlin, student uproar during AE’s
lecture at, xliii
University of Bern, invites AE, 597c
University of Göttingen, AE lectures at, 32
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