6 4 2 I N D E X
help to Mileva Einstein-Maric;, 136; offends
Mileva Einstein-Maric; , 164; about AE’s mar-
riage, 148, 152–153, 160, 17; takes care of
AE, 129; visits AE, 114
Bethanienheim hospital in Zurich, xxxiii, 79
Bie, Oscar (1864–1938), expresses sympathy for
AE, 392–393
Birge, Edward (1851–1950): 523n; approaches
University of California regarding AE’s lec-
ture tour in US, 524n
Bismarck, Otto von (1815–1898), 463
Bjerknes, Carl (1825–1903), 462
Bjerknes, Vilhelm (1862–1951): 488; on AE’s
invitation to University of Oslo, 462; on grav-
itation and inertia, 462
Bjerrum, Niels (1879–1958): 313; spectrum of
HCl, 356, 443
Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885–1962): 337; solicits
AE’s opinion on candidates for chair of theo-
retical physics at University of Hamburg,
Bleuler, Eugen (1857–1939), 284n
Bloch, Helmut, expresses sympathy for AE,
Bloch, Werner (1890–1973): 94, 138, 566c; AE
on book of, 94
Blok, Petrus, 267n
Boas, Ismar (1858–1938): 68, 74–75, 85, 101n;
diagnoses AE with gallstones, 74, with liver
condition, 70, 72; proposes drinking cure for
AE, 70
Boguslavsky, Sergei (1883–1923), 471, 515, 516
Böhi, Paul, 13n
Bohr, Niels (1885–1962): 244, 246; bigwig-free
colloquium, 322n; gives lecture in Berlin,
244n; has lunch in Dahlem with AE, 322n;
invited to 1921 Solvay meeting, 303; invites
AE to meet in Copenhagen, 321; meetings
with AE in 1920, xlvii, 321, 532; on Stern,
353; planned lecture at 1921 Solvay meeting,
303; pleased with AE’s lecturing in Copen-
hagen, 321; praised by AE, 364; sends butter
to AE, 244; theory of spectra, 313
Bohr-Norlund, Margrethe (1889–1884), 321
Bolle, Co., contractor of Potsdam tower tele-
scope, 582c
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906): 323n; AE on,
340; H-function, 283, 292n; on dissociation
of gases, 15; on elegance, 328; praised by
AE, 329
Boltzmann distribution, 347, 369n
Bolza, Hans (1889–1986), 516
Bormann, Elisabeth, 336n
Born, Gritli (1915–2000), 336n
Born, Hedwig (1882–1972): 315, 419, 442; crit-
icizes Einstein 1920f, 416–417; death of
mother of, 336; invites AE to stay with them,
361, 416; Moszkowski’s book on AE, against
publication of, xl, 447–449, AE on, 495; on
AE’s peace of mind, 416–417; on death, 360–
361; on Max Born’s plans to lecture in the
US, 442
Born, Irene (1914–2003), 336n
Born, Max (1882–1970): 28, 276, 419, 442, 448,
466, 468; asks AE for help in getting invita-
tions to lecture in the US, 454; book on rela-
tivity, Schlick on, 455, Zangger on, 513;
book on structure of matter, Zangger on, 513;
Moszkowski’s book on AE, against publica-
tion of, xl, 459–460, 469, 471; move to Uni-
versity of Göttingen, 304, 335–336, 361;
finds AE childish, 460; finds AE has weak
ability to judge human character, 471–472;
on candidates for his chair in Frankfurt, 335–
336, 516; on free mean path of silver atoms in
air, 336, 360; on help for Boguslavsky, 471,
515–516; on irreversible processes in crys-
tals, 516; on Lorentz, 471–472; on plan to
lecture in US, 460; praises Krutkov, 472; rel-
ativistic definition of rigidity, 10
Bosch, Carl (1874–1940), 372
Bo s=covic;, Ruder (1784–1846), 6n
Bossard, Konrad(?), 236
Bragg, William (1862–1942), 303n
Brahms, Johannes (1833–1897), Hans Albert
Einstein plays, xxxii
Brand, Rudolf (1887–1967), 101n
Brandhuber, Camillus (1860–1931): 97n, 115n,
120n, 122n, 123, 130n, 131n, 173n, 202, 204,
206–210, 211n, 212n, 214n, 215n, 330, 343n,
349n, 363n, 418, 445n, 446n, 459n, 464;
copy of Einstein 1917a for, 446; health prob-
lems of, 454; invites AE, 128, 129; views of,
AE on, 131, 133. See also Benzingen
Brandhuber, Fidelia, 213, 445, 454
Brandhuber, Inge, 213
Brauer, August (1863–1917), 134
Bredig, Georg (1868–1944), 12
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