The following presents the editorial method of the series and incorporates modifi- cations and supplements that have been introduced in previous volumes. HISTORY OF THE EDITION Volume 1, The Early Years, 1879–1902, presented a variety of documents pertain- ing to Albert Einstein’s family, childhood, and youth. Subsequently, the edition was divided into two series, Writings and Correspondence. The five Writings volumes covering the years 1900–1921 (volumes 2–4, 6, 7) present in full text all of Einstein’s articles, books, and unpublished scientific man- uscripts, including his notes as a student of physics, lecture notes for university courses that he taught, and research notes. Auditors’ lecture notes, verbatim or in abstract, that supplement Einstein’s course notes, as well as reliable records of his lectures, speeches, comments, or interviews, were included as full text or in abstract. All available letters written by Einstein before January 1922 are presented in full or as abstracts in the six Correspondence volumes for the years 1902–1921 (Volumes 5, 8–10, 12). A Cumulative Index, Bibliography, List of Correspondence, Chronology, and Errata to Volumes 1–10 was published as Volume 11 in the series. Beginning with Volume 13, the edition presents Einstein’s writings and corre- spondence in chronological order together within the same volumes. SELECTION All of Einstein’s available writings and correspondence, whether previously pub- lished or unpublished, are included in the edition. They appear either as full text with annotation, as an appendix, or as an abstract in the Calendar of Abstracts. Prefaces to collective works in whose writing Einstein played an active role are printed in full. Einstein’s prefaces to works other than his own, or to translations of his own work, are printed as full text or in abstract. EDITORIAL METHOD
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The following presents the editorial method of the series and incorporates modifi- cations and supplements that have been introduced in previous volumes. HISTORY OF THE EDITION Volume 1, The Early Years, 1879–1902, presented a variety of documents pertain- ing to Albert Einstein’s family, childhood, and youth. Subsequently, the edition was divided into two series, Writings and Correspondence. The five Writings volumes covering the years 1900–1921 (volumes 2–4, 6, 7) present in full text all of Einstein’s articles, books, and unpublished scientific man- uscripts, including his notes as a student of physics, lecture notes for university courses that he taught, and research notes. Auditors’ lecture notes, verbatim or in abstract, that supplement Einstein’s course notes, as well as reliable records of his lectures, speeches, comments, or interviews, were included as full text or in abstract. All available letters written by Einstein before January 1922 are presented in full or as abstracts in the six Correspondence volumes for the years 1902–1921 (Volumes 5, 8–10, 12). A Cumulative Index, Bibliography, List of Correspondence, Chronology, and Errata to Volumes 1–10 was published as Volume 11 in the series. Beginning with Volume 13, the edition presents Einstein’s writings and corre- spondence in chronological order together within the same volumes. SELECTION All of Einstein’s available writings and correspondence, whether previously pub- lished or unpublished, are included in the edition. They appear either as full text with annotation, as an appendix, or as an abstract in the Calendar of Abstracts. Prefaces to collective works in whose writing Einstein played an active role are printed in full. Einstein’s prefaces to works other than his own, or to translations of his own work, are printed as full text or in abstract. EDITORIAL METHOD

