D O C . 2 3 6 T H E C O M P T O N E X P E R I M E N T 3 6 7 Published in Berliner Tageblatt, 24 April 1924, 1. Beiblatt. [1]Arthur Holly Compton. The results referred to were published as Compton 1923, dated 13 December 1922, but only published in May 1923. First results of the effect had already been pub- lished in October 1922 (Compton 1922). For historical discussion, see Stuewer 1975, Mehra and Rechenberg 1982, and Introduction, pp. xl–xliii. [2]Michael Faraday James Clerk Maxwell. [3]Max Planck. [4]This is, e.g., the case for the photoelectric effect. [5]The light quantum hypothesis was introduced in Einstein 1905i (Vol. 2, Doc. 14).