4 0 0 D O C U M E N T 2 6 1 J U N E 1 9 2 4 [3]The brackets appear to have been added later. [4]In a letter of 14 October 1920, George B. Jeffery of King’s College, London, had proposed the preparation of an English edition of some of Einstein’s papers on relativity (Vol. 10, Calendar), and on 14 December 1920, Einstein had approved of this plan (Vol. 10, Doc. 230). On 21 September 1921, the publisher, Methuen, asked Einstein for permission to publish an English edition of Lorentz et al. 1920 (Vol. 12, Calendar), to which Einstein answered on 4 October 1921 that Jeffery must have already prepared such an English edition (Vol. 12, Calendar). After talking to Jeffery, Methuen informed Einstein on 11 October 1921 that parts of Lorentz et al. 1920 had already been published in English translation in Calcutta (apparently referring to Einstein and Minkowski 1920), and asked whether Einstein had approved of this translation (Vol. 12, Calendar). No answer by Einstein is extant, but in subsequent correspondence Methuen negotiated details for an English translation of Lorentz et al. 1920 (which eventually appeared as Lorentz et al. 1923). On 15 April 1922, Methuen asked Ein- stein for the address of the Indian translator in order to settle the issue of the English translation (see Vol. 13, Abs. 152), and again on 11 January 1923 about the status of the Indian edition (Vol. 13, Abs. 493). On 28 January 1923, Einstein sent a letter to Debendra Mohan Bose, the translator of Einstein and Minkowski 1920 (see note 6), to desist from selling the Calcutta edition (Vol. 13, Abs. 501), to which D. M. Bose replied on 7 March 1923 that the vice-chancellor and the syndicate of the Univer- sity of Calcutta have decided not to sell the Indian edition outside of India and that copies currently in England will be recalled, and apologized for the misunderstanding (Vol. 13, Abs. 537). [5]Einstein and Minkowski 1920. [6]According to the title page, the translators of the English versions of Einstein and Minkowski 1920 were M. N. Saha and S. N. Bose. For a discussion of the respective roles of Debendra Mohan Bose and Satyendra Nath Bose in the translation of that collection, see Mehra 1975, p. 122.