D O C . 2 0 I M P R E S S I O N S O F P A L E S T I N E 4 9 Published in Jüdische Rundschau 33 (1923): 195–196, on 24 April 1923. First published in Hebrew (see Einstein 1923j). For the English version, see Einstein 1923t. [1]Einstein toured Palestine between 2 and 14 February 1923 at the invitation of the Zionist Orga- nization’s Palestine Bureau (see Vol. 13, Introduction, pp. lxv–lxix). [2]Einstein visited Tel Aviv 8–9 February 1923. During his tour, he expressed his admiration for the lively development of the city (see “Travel Diary Japan, Palestine, Spain” [Vol. 13, Doc. 379], p. 560). Solomon Ginzberg (1889–1968) was inspector of education for the British Mandatory Authority and Einstein’s tour guide in Palestine. [3]Einstein visited the “Bezalel” Art Academy in Jerusalem on 6 February 1923. A day earlier, he toured two neighborhoods that were being constructed by workers’ cooperatives (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, p. 559). [4]For subsequent correspondence regarding the loan interest, see Abs. 111 and. 110. [5]Einstein noted the hardships faced by the members of Kibbutz Degania which he visited on 12 February 1923 (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, p. 561). [6]Einstein met with Arab-German poet Asis Domet on 10 February 1923 in Haifa, and two days later with moderate Arab notables in Tiberias (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, p. 561, and note 246). [7]The expert in question may have been the Sephardi physician Angel Pulido, whom Einstein had met in Madrid in March 1923 (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, note 260). [8]See note 5. [9]Richard Kaufmann (1877–1958) was a German-Jewish architect and urban planner. [10]The British Mandatory Authority. [11]Einstein visited the Technion on 10 and 11 February 1923 (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, p. 560). [12]Einstein gave a lecture on relativity at the future site of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus on 7 February 1923 (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, p. 559). For Einstein’s fund-raising efforts on behalf of the American Jewish Physicians’ Committee, see Vol. 12, Introduction, p. xxxiv. [13]Einstein edited the first volume dedicated to mathematics and physics (see Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum. Mathematica et Physica 1 [1923]).